Andreas Elias Büchner

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Andreas Elias Büchner
Title page of the commemorative publication written by Büchner for the 100th birthday of the Leopoldina

Andreas Elias Büchner (born April 9, 1701 in Erfurt , † July 29, 1769 in Halle ) was a German physician.


After attending the Protestant Ratsgymnasium in his hometown, Büchner studied medicine at the universities of Erfurt , Halle and Leipzig . In 1722 he received his doctorate in Erfurt. After an educational trip to Franconia , Swabia and Lower Saxony , he taught at the University of Erfurt. In 1724 he received his master's degree from the Philosophical Faculty. On August 22, 1726, Büchner was accepted into the Leopoldina as a member ( matriculation no. 389 ) with the academic surname Bacchius . In 1729 he got a job as Landphysicus of the office Großrudestedt , which he carried out from Erfurt, where he received the fourth full professorship of the medical faculty in the same year. In 1732 he became adjunct, in 1733 Director Ephemeris and in 1736 as successor to Johann Jakob Baier President of the Leopoldina. In 1738 he became a foreign member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences .

In 1744 Büchner was appointed full professor at the University of Halle. There he was soon promoted to the Secret Medical Council due to his services . He was prorector of the Alma Mater in 1745/46, 1758/59, 1767/68 .

Büchner was one of the most ardent supporters of the doctor Friedrich Hoffmann , the inventor of Hoffmann's drops . He has authored a large number of books on physiology, pathology and therapy, drug theory and had numerous dissertations written.


  • Dissertatio Inavgvralis Physico-Medica De Aqvis Medicatis Praesertim De Fonte Medicato Clivensi . Hendel, 1752 ( digitized version ).
  • Miscellanea physico-medico-mathemathica or pleasant, curieuse and useful news. 1731-1734.
  • Treatise on a special and easy way of making the deaf hear. 1759.
  • Historia totius orbis novissima, or the very latest state history. News journal with Johann Michael Funcke , Erfurt 1729–1732; Berlin State Library .


Web links

Commons : Andreas Elias Büchner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Members of the previous academies. Andreas Elias Büchner. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences , accessed on March 3, 2015 .