martinus - church newspaper of the Diocese of Eisenstadt

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martinus - church newspaper of the Diocese of Eisenstadt

description Subscription weekly newspaper
Frequency of publication weekly
Editor-in-chief Franz Josef Rupprecht
editor Martin Korpitsch
Web link

martinus is the Catholic weekly newspaper of the Eisenstadt diocese .


As early as 1930 there was the so-called “Pfarrbote”, founded by Pastor Josef Lang from Pamhagen , for the faithful on the Heideboden . The parish messenger was a loud shouter against the demon of National Socialism . As a result, Pastor Lang was one of the first to leave his parish and flee to Hungary in 1938.

Since the end of 1945 the “St. Martins-Bote ”as a supplement to the Wiener Kirchenblatt for the Catholics of Burgenland . Prelate Johannes Kodatsch, who headed the "Martinsbote", converted it into an independent newspaper in 1947. Over the next 20 years, the “St. Martins-Bote “very good. With a circulation of 26,000 copies, it was the highest-circulation newspaper in Burgenland.

Efforts to modernize led to the “St. Martins-Bote ”was incorporated again into the Vienna church newspaper in 1966 and was henceforth run under the name“ Church newspaper of the Diocese of Eisenstadt ”. After the sudden accidental death of the editor-in-chief, Prelate Johannes Kodatsch, Canon Josef Rittsteuer took over the editing. On his initiative, the size format was changed in 1985. In 1989 Franz Buchberger, the diocese's press officer at the time, took over as editor-in-chief. Under his leadership, the name was changed to "Eisenstädter Kirchenzeitung", and in April 1998 a major layout reform took place.

On the 50th anniversary of the diocese, at the beginning of 2010, there was another big change. The church newspaper became part of the church newspaper cooperation with the church newspapers of the dioceses of Linz , Innsbruck and Feldkirch . In connection with this, a new layout reform followed. With the new name “martinus” the newspaper finally returned to its roots.


The editor is the Vicar General of the Diocese of Eisenstadt.

Web links