Masaharu Nakagawa (politician, 1947)

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Masaharu Nakagawa (2017)

Masaharu Nakagawa ( Japanese 中 川 雅 治 , Nakagawa Masaharu ; born February 22, 1947 in Tokyo Prefecture ) is a Japanese politician of the Liberal Democratic Party ( Machimura faction ), Sangiin MP for the Tokyo Prefecture and acting Environment Minister .

Nakagawa, the son-in-law of Hara Bunbē (LDP, Sangiin MP for Tokyo and Environment Minister), became a civil servant at the Ministry of Finance after graduating from the Tokyo University Faculty of Law . In 2001 he moved to the Ministry of the Environment , where in 2002 he was promoted to State Secretary ( jimujikan ).

In the 2004 Sangiin election , Nakagawa was the only LDP candidate in Tokyo Prefecture (then four seats) and was elected with the highest percentage of votes.In 2010 , he was re-elected for a second term as one of two LDP candidates with the third highest percentage of votes . In Sangiin, he was chairman of the Education and Science Committee from 2008 to 2009 and chairman of the Special Committee for Okinawa and the Northern Territories in 2010. In 2011 he became vice chairman of the political research council in the party .

Since the third reshuffle of Shinzō Abe's third cabinet , Nakagawa has been Minister of the Environment and Minister of State for Nuclear Disaster Protection .

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