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Masut ( Russian Мазут ; from Turkotatar) is a viscous, high-boiling distillation residue from petroleum with a boiling point above 350 ° C. Depending on its origin, the crude oil contains up to two thirds of the mass of masut. It is used as fuel and lubricant , or it is cracked into gasoline . Masut contains small amounts of minerals, mainly iron and calcium oxides . The calorific value of Masut is around 3 to 4% below that of the petrol fraction .


Masut-100 is a heating oil made according to Russian standards GOST 10585-75 or 10585-99. Masut is produced almost exclusively in the Russian Federation , Kazakhstan , Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan . The product is often used to generate steam, so it was used as fuel for oil-fired steam locomotives .

A quality criterion for Masut is the sulfur content . This fluctuates between 0.5 and 3.5%.


In seafaring, Masut also refers to oil residues floating on the sea surface. In Belgian French , heating oil is called "mazout" (in France "fioul", from English "fuel")


  • German Society for Fat Research, German Society for Fat Science (ed.): Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel , Issue 5 (May 1, 1898), industrial publishing house von Hernhaussen ( limited preview in the Google book search)

Individual evidence

  1. Entry on Masut. In: Römpp Online . Georg Thieme Verlag, accessed on March 16, 2014.