Matilde Asensi

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Matilde Asensi

Matilde Asensi Carratalá [ maˈtilde aˈsensi ] (born June 12, 1962 in Alicante ) is a Spanish writer of historical novels .


Asensi studied journalism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and worked for three years in the news agency of the radio station Radio Alicante-SER . She then moved to Radio Nacional de España , where she was in charge of local and provincial news. At the same time, she worked as a correspondent for the EFE news agency and worked with the local newspapers La Verdad and Información .


Asensi was a finalist in the literary prizes Ciudad de San Sebastián (1995) and Gabriel Miró (1996) and won first prize for short stories at the XV Certamen Literario Juan Ortiz del Barco (1996) in Cádiz and at the XVI Premio de Novela Corta Felipe Trigo ( 1997) in Badajoz.

Her first work, El salón de ámbar , published in 1999, has already been translated into several languages. With El último Catón at the latest , Asensi rose to become a successful Spanish writer in 2001.


  1. Tierra Firme. Editorial Planeta, Barcelona 2007, ISBN 978-84-08-00716-6
  2. Venganza en Seville . Editorial Planeta, Barcelona 2010, ISBN 978-84-08-08835-6
  3. La conjura de Cortés . Editorial Planeta, Barcelona 2012, ISBN 978-84-08-00803-3


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