Matthias Rudolph (politician)

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Matthias Rudolph (* 1976 in Bad Saarow-Pieskow , GDR ; today Bad Saarow) is a German local politician and co-founder of the voters' association Bündnis Fürstenwalder Zukunft (BFZ). He has been mayor of the city of Fürstenwalde / Spree since May 6, 2018 .

Rudolph completed an apprenticeship as a banker at Commerzbank and completed a degree in business administration. Another professional station in the financial sector was WestLB , where he trained as a trader on the EUREX futures exchange . After a stint in Luxembourg, Rudolph returned to his home town of Fürstenwalde in 2005 and set up as a self-employed financial advisor in 2006.

Due to dissatisfaction with the process and the result of the mayoral election in 2010, Rudolph began to get involved in politics and founded the BFZ voters' association in 2013 with like-minded people. This moved into the city council of Fürstenwalde / Spree in 2014 with 5 mandates. Rudolph was chairman of the BFZ parliamentary group.

On February 25, 2018, Rudolph was elected full-time mayor with 52.2% of the votes in the first ballot. The incumbent Hans-Ulrich Hengst was clearly defeated with only 34.5% of the vote. On May 6, 2018, he was sworn in as full-time mayor for a term of eight years.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Result of the mayoral election on February 25, 2018, accessed on April 4, 2018.