Maurici Farré

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Maurici Farré (* 1961 in Barcelona ) is a Spanish theater director. He is currently working for the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz as artistic coordinator.

Farré was artistic director of the La Bâtie-Festival de Genève , project manager in the field of intercultural dialogue at the Swiss cultural foundation “Pro Helvetia”, programmed segments for the Zurich Theater Spektakel and the Bern theater festival “Auawirleben”. Farré worked as a dramaturge and concept designer for the New Theater and was responsible for international relations and literary research at the “Teatre Nacional de Catalunya” in Barcelona. He headed the cultural week of the “Premis Octubre” in Valencia and worked there in the artistic direction of the “Center Dramàtic”. In addition, Maurici Farré was program director for the international scene in the “Olimpiada Cultural” and worked on the artistic direction of the “Gran Teatre del Liceu” (opera house) in Barcelona.

Maurici Farré made a name for himself as a director in Switzerland and Spain. He translated Heiner Müller into Spanish for the first time and staged several Spanish premieres of Müller's.

His translations include “Boucher Espagnol” by Rodrigo García, “Frank & Stein” by Ken Cambel , “Diderot und Das Dunkle Ei” by Hans Magnus Enzensberger , “Lederfresse” by H. Krausser, “Roberto Zucco” by Koltès , “Mein Kampf "by George Tabori ," Kleinbürgerhochzeit "by Bertolt Brecht ," Hamlet Machine "by H. Müller," Oedipus, Tyrann "by H. Müller / Hölderlin," The Order "by Heiner Müller and" Die Horatier "by Brecht-H. Müller.