Mauricio Morandi

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Mauricio Morandi (born April 28, 1981 in Farroupilha ) is a former Brazilian cyclist .

Mauricio Morandi was overall runner-up in 2003 at the Volta Ciclística Internacional de Santa Catarina . In the 2005 season he was able to win a stage at the Volta Ciclistica de Porto Alegre and he won the overall ranking of the Volta Ciclistica Internacional do Paraná . He also finished second in the one-day Grand Prix Ayrton Senna. In the 2006 season, Morandi took second place overall at the Volta Ciclística Internacional de Santa Catarina. In 2009 he won a stage of the Volta Ciclistica Internacional de Gravataí and was involved in the victory in the team time trial of the Volta do Estado de São Paulo .

After that race in August 2009, Morandi tested positive for hydroxyethyl . However, he had a medical indication, so the Brazilian Cycling Association later apologized to Morandi for publishing his name.

His twin brother Fabricio was also active as a cyclist.




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Individual evidence

  1. Escândalo do doping - ESPN Brasil pede desculpas. In: May 9, 2011, accessed May 30, 2016 (Portuguese).