Max A. Höfer

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Max A. Höfer (* 1959 in Stuttgart ) is a German political scientist and economist .


Höfer was the head of politics and head of the capital city office of Capital magazine . In 2005 he published the book Opinion Leaders, Thinkers, Visionaries . For the magazine Cicero (April 2006 edition) Höfer made a list of the five hundred “leading German-speaking intellectuals”.

In April 2006 he succeeded Tasso Enzweiler as co-managing director of the Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft . At the end of December 2009 he left the INSM.

Since then he has developed from a proponent of neoliberal capitalism to a critic of the economization. In his book “Perhaps capitalism doesn't even want us to be happy? Findings of a Purified “from 2013, he advocates the thesis that our society neglects satisfaction and thus acceptance of people due to the orientation towards maximum yields and growth rates.

“With this way of thinking, we will not inspire anyone for the market economy, I am sure. Because what moves people today are questions about the good life, the qualitative conditions for well-being and how we can conserve the natural resources for it. Our 'Protestant work ethic' has brought us a long way, but in increasing capitalism it overruns and that becomes dangerous. "

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Individual evidence

  1. Max A. Höfer: Perhaps capitalism doesn't even want us to be happy? Insights of a Purified One . Albrecht Knaus Verlag 2013, ISBN 978-3813504569
  2. Max A. Höfer: Does capitalism make us unhappy? . In: Cicero September 2013, pages 94-96