Maximilian Wiedling

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Maximilian Wiedling (born August 28, 1903 in Wetzlar ; † 1981 ) was a German manager.


Wiedling completed a commercial apprenticeship at the precision optics manufacturer Leitz in Wetzlar. 1928 moved to the management of the subsidiary in London and was appointed Managing Director there in 1931 . When the Second World War broke out, he left Great Britain and went to the Leitz branch in Vienna. After his return to Germany he became a member of the board of directors of Ernst Leitz GmbH and in 1950 managing director of the subsidiary W. & H. Seibert GmbH.

In addition to his professional activity, he was active in the self-administration of the regional economy. From August 1945 to 1965 he was President of the Wetzlar Chamber of Commerce and Industry . At the beginning of his term of office, he was marked by difficult negotiations with the American occupation authorities. Through his mediation, many companies were soon able to resume operations.

In 1966 he was appointed honorary president of the Wetzlar Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In the same year he received the Great Federal Cross of Merit .


  • Knut Kühn-Leitz: Ernst Leitz pioneer of the Leica: an exemplary entrepreneur and courageous democrat. - Heel, 2006