Maximilian von Witzleben

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Maximilian Ernst Julius von Witzleben (born February 14, 1803 in Papproth , † April 29, 1861 in Meißen ) was a German bailiff. He was a Saxon state school and procuratorial officer in Meißen, captain vd A. (for: "of the artillery") and knight of honor of the Order of St. John .

He came from the Thuringian aristocratic family Witzleben and was the fourth child of Premier Lieutenant Karl von Witzleben. In 1833 he married Elise Freiin von Gregory (1809–1878) in Niedergurig . The daughter Hedwig (* 1851) emerged from these marriages.


  • Gothaisches Adeliges Taschenbuch, Gotha 1923, p. 717

Individual evidence

  1. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses for the year 1873, p.225