McCarthy Nunatak

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McCarthy Nunatak
location Mac Robertson Land , East Antarctica
Coordinates 69 ° 7 '0 "  S , 64 ° 45' 0"  E Coordinates: 69 ° 7 '0 "  S , 64 ° 45' 0"  E
McCarthy-Nunatak (Antarctica)
McCarthy Nunatak

The McCarthy nunatak is a small nunatak in the East Antarctic Mac Robertson Land . It protrudes 8 km southeast of Depot Peak only slightly above the level of the surrounding ice sheet .

It was discovered in 1970 during an overflight on the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions . The Antarctic Names Committee of Australia named it after Ian C. McCarthy, chief meteorological observer at Mawson Station in 1970, who was involved in exploring the Prince Charles Mountains in 1971 .

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