Medal for loyalty service in the volunteer fire brigade (Brandenburg)

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Graphic representation of the Loyalty Service Medal in all its stages

The medal for loyal service in the voluntary fire brigade is a state award of the state of Brandenburg , which was donated on February 15, 1994 by the state parliament of Brandenburg under its then Prime Minister of the state Manfred Stolpe . The award serves to honor long years of loyal service in the volunteer fire department .


The medal for loyal service is awarded to all fire service members who perform their loyal service in a volunteer fire service and have fulfilled their duty without interruption. It is awarded in five stages:

  • I. level in copper : after 10 years of service,
  • II. Stage in bronze : after 20 years of service,
  • III. Level in silver : after 30 years of service,
  • IV. Level in gold : after 40 years of service,
  • Special grade in gold: after 50 years of service.

The special level in gold is awarded to people who meet the requirements for the award for the first time on July 1, 1999.

Authority to apply

The fire protection agencies (district fire chief, city fire brigade association, etc.), with the exception of the independent cities, submit the applications for the award of the medal for loyalty services to the district using an official form. The districts and the independent cities then draw up an overall list of suggestions and then send it to the Ministry of the Interior every quarter, but no later than eight weeks before the intended award date. The applications for the various levels are kept in lists and contain the following information:

  • a) consecutive number (because list),
  • b) family name,
  • c) first name,
  • d) year of birth,
  • e) rank,
  • f) Name of the volunteer fire brigade,
  • g) period of service and
  • h) Evidence

Granting and handing over authority

The Minister of the Interior is responsible for awarding the medals. The handover is incumbent on the I. level (copper) to III. Level (silver) the carrier of fire protection. The IV. And special level the district or the independent city. A certificate signed by the Minister of the Interior is issued for the award of the medal. The medal itself becomes the property of the borrower when it is handed over.

Calculation of service times

When calculating the working hours, please note the following:

  • a) it is based on membership and participation in active service in the voluntary fire brigade including membership in the youth fire brigade without interruption,
  • b) the times of military or alternative military service are not considered an interruption,
  • c) Periods of service in fire brigades outside the federal state of Brandenburg are taken into account.

For the recognition of membership in the volunteer fire brigade before October 3, 1990, the following applied:

  • a) at the earliest from the age of 14,
  • b) Periods of membership of the working group "Young Fire Protection Assistants" are recognized,
  • c) Times of membership in the age and honorary department are taken into account if the active and committed work of the members of the volunteer fire brigade is confirmed by the fire protection agency.

Appearance, texture and way of wearing

The medal for loyalty services has a diameter of 36 mm and is copper, bronze, silver or gold colored depending on the grade awarded. On the medal there is a white isosceles enamel cross with a copper, bronze, silver or gold border and a red border underneath. Between the cross parts there are two crossed torches in the same design of the individual steps. In the center of the cross is a Märkischer eagle , the coat of arms of Brandenburg. The reverse is smooth and shows the inscription: Medal for Faithful Service . The special level for fifty years of service also shows the number of years of service imprinted on the front in the upper cross leg: 50 . The medal is worn as a ribbon medal on the left side of the chest in its original size only for festive occasions, otherwise as a ribbon buckle on the service skirt. With regard to the correct way of wearing the strap buckle, the following sequence applies (with the highest starting from left to right):

  1. Fire brigade decoration in gold (on ribbon),
  2. Fire brigade decoration in silver (on ribbon),
  3. Decoration of honor for excellent performance in fire protection,
  4. Medal for merits in fire protection and
  5. Medal for Loyalty Service (only at the highest level awarded)
  6. Non-state private awards (e.g. German Fire Brigade Association , State Fire Brigade Association Brandenburg eV , District Fire Brigade Association ) according to the order in which they are awarded.

Only four awards in a row are worn per row of buckles. If there is a fifth or more, a second line must be created. The highest award must always be displayed in the top row.


  • 1st stage in copper: three crimson stripes alternating with two navy blue stripes,
  • II. Stage in bronze: navy blue ribbon, lined with a bronze color on the sides with a crimson stripe in the middle,
  • III. Step in silver: navy blue ribbon, lined in silver on the sides with a crimson stripe in the middle,
  • IV. Stage in gold: navy blue ribbon, hemmed in gold on the sides, with a crimson stripe in the middle,
  • Special grade in gold: navy blue ribbon, hemmed in gold on the sides, with a crimson stripe in the middle with an attached round medal with the number 50.

In addition, it was determined that the loyalty medal awarded earlier (1994 to 1999 when the special level was introduced) is still permitted for 10, 20, 30 and 40 years of service.

Withdrawal of the award

The medal for loyal service can also be withdrawn again in the event that the entrusted person proves to be unworthy of the award due to his later behavior, in particular due to a dishonorable crime, or such behavior is only subsequently known. In these cases, the Minister of the Interior can withdraw the medal after hearing the person concerned. The carrier will be informed in writing of the decision on the withdrawal.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Law on the award of a medal for loyalty service in the volunteer fire brigade of June 28, 1999 § 1
  2. Law on the award of a medal for loyalty service in the volunteer fire brigade of June 28, 1999 § 2
  3. Administrative regulation for the implementation of the law on the donation of a fire brigade badge of honor and the law on the award of a medal for loyal service in the volunteer fire brigade of December 18, 2000 point 1.4
  4. Administrative regulation for the implementation of the law on the donation of a fire brigade badge of honor and the law on the award of a medal for loyal service in the volunteer fire brigade of December 18, 2000 point 2.5
  5. Law on the award of a medal for loyalty service in the volunteer fire brigade of June 28, 1999 § 3, 4 and 5
  6. Administrative regulation for the implementation of the law on the donation of a fire brigade badge of honor and the law on the award of a medal for loyal service in the volunteer fire brigade of December 18, 2000 point 3
  7. Administrative regulation for the implementation of the law on the donation of a fire brigade badge of honor and the law on the award of a medal for loyal service in the volunteer fire brigade of December 18, 2000 point 5.2
  8. Law on the award of a medal for loyalty service in the volunteer fire brigade of June 28, 1999, Section 6
  9. Law on the award of a medal for loyalty service in the volunteer fire brigade of June 28, 1999, Section 7
  10. Law on the award of a medal for loyalty service in the volunteer fire brigade of June 28, 1999, Section 8