Medal for participation in the armed struggles of the German working class from 1918 to 1923

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The medal for participation in the armed struggles of the German working class in the years 1918-1923 was a state award of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), which was donated on August 15, 1957 by the Council of Ministers of the GDR in one step. In addition to a certificate, it was awarded once to all persons who had actively participated in the armed struggles of the German working class against reaction and militarism , for peace, democracy and socialism from 1918 to 1923 or who stood and appeared as active fighters against the First World War are. The people honored with this award must have maintained their anti-reactionary and anti-fascist sentiments even during the time of National Socialism in Germany from 1933 to 1945.

Appearance and wearing style

The silver-plated medal with a diameter of 32 mm shows a carbine rifle in the middle of its obverse , which is held by an outstretched hand. The red flag of the working class flies on the upper part of this carbine. This symbolism is surrounded by the inscription: FIGHTERS AGAINST THE REACTION (above) and 1918 - 1923 (below). The reverse of the medal, on the other hand, showed the state coat of arms of the GDR in the middle, surrounded by the inscription: FOR FREEDOM, PEACE AND SOCIALISM . The medal was worn on the upper left chest on a 28 mm wide red covered clasp. The interim clasp was of the same quality, but showed the white date 1918–1923 woven in in the middle .

Individual evidence

  1. Taschenlexikon Orders and Medals - State Awards of the GDR, 2nd edition VEB Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig 1983, author Günter Tautz, page 58
  2. ^ Awards of the German Democratic Republic Bartel / Karpinski, Military Publishing House of the GDR 1979, page 157