Media scape

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Media-Scape is a series of meetings with exhibitions, film / video programs and symposia by international artists in a media context. Media-Scape was founded in May 1991 by Heiko Daxl , Ingeborg Fülepp , Bojan Baletic and Malcolm LeGrice in Zagreb ( Croatia ).

From 1991 to 1999, Media-Scape took place annually in the Mimara Museum , MultimediaCentar, HDLU (Hrvatsko drustvo likovnih umjetnika) and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb. During this time, artistic media works by more than 300 artists were exhibited. In 2005 Media-Scape moved to the Galerija Rigo / Museum Lapidarium run by Jerica Ziherl in the city of Novigrad (Cittanova) in Istria and since 2006 there has been an offshoot in the Galerie der Künste (GdK) in Berlin in collaboration with Noam Braslavsky under the title " Strictly Berlin ".

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