Megakles (architect)

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Megakles ( ancient Greek Μεγακλῆς ) was an ancient architect of the early 5th century BC. Chr.

According to Pausanias (6, 19, 7), together with Pothaios and Antiphilos , he built the treasure house of the Carthaginians in the sanctuary of Olympia , which is said to have been located next to the treasure house of the Sicyonians . Pausanias probably meant the treasure house of the Syracusans and not the Carthaginians. Because the treasure house contained a very large portrait of Zeus and three inner breastplates, the Gelon and the Syracusans after a battle against the Carthaginians - for archaeological and historical reasons only the battle of Himera 480 BC can be found following its further execution . Be meant - to whom Zeus had consecrated.
