Mehmet Tanrıverdi

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Mehmet Tanrıverdi (born August 3, 1962 in Siverek , Turkey ) is a German-Kurdish entrepreneur. He is honorary president of the Federal Working Group of Immigrant Associations (BAGIV). He was a city councilor in the Giessen city parliament for 13 years, where he headed the committee for schools and culture. He has been President of MTV 1846 Gießen since 2015 . He is the founding chairman of the Kurdish Community of Germany (KGD) and continues to serve the association as a board member.

Live and act

Mehmet Tanrıverdi studied electrical engineering at the Giessen-Friedberg University of Applied Sciences (now the Technical University of Central Hesse / THM) and law at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen . The graduate engineer is the owner and managing director of Meta Bearings Distribution GmbH, a trading company for roller and ball bearings.

He has been a city councilor in Gießen since 2003 . He was a member of the SPD, from which he resigned in May 2011 after 15 years after the party had stopped the exclusion proceedings against Thilo Sarrazin . He kept his seat in the Giessen city council as a non-party.

Tanrıverdi is chairman of the school, education and culture committee of the city council in Giessen.

From 2002 to May 2015 Tanrıverdi was President of the Federal Working Group of Immigrant Associations in Germany. He is a member of the Federal Government's Integration Advisory Council. There he heads the working group “Social Participation”. In this function, he is a participant in all integration summits of the federal government that have taken place so far. Tanrıverdi has other honorary functions: He is honorary chairman of the German-Kurdish Society Gießen eV (DKG); from 1994 to 2000 he was federal chairman of the Kurdish Community in Germany eV (KGD), of which he was a co-founder. Since April 2013 he has been on the KGD board again, in the position of deputy chairman.

He wrote numerous articles and working papers on the subject of integration and was an expert at the hearing of the Interior Committee of the German Bundestag on the reform of the Nationality Act in 1999. Tanrıverdi was also a jury member of the competition 365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas (2006 to 2012).

Tanrıverdi is the holder of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany ("Federal Cross of Merit "), which he was awarded in 2009 by the then Federal President Horst Köhler for his services as a "bridge builder".


  • 2009: Receipt of the Federal Cross of Merit

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Board of the Federal Working Group of Immigrant Associations , accessed on August 16, 2015.
  2. Our team. Meta Bearings Distribution, accessed February 27, 2020 .
  3. ^ Meta Bearings Distribution GmbH. Meta Bearings Distribution, accessed February 27, 2020 .
  4. ^ Matthias Kamann: In Germany politics is done without migrants. In: The world . July 27, 2011, accessed February 28, 2020 .
  5. Long-time SPD politician Mehmet Tanriverdi from Giessen announces that he is leaving the party. In: Gießener Anzeiger . April 26, 2011, archived from the original on August 28, 2011 ; accessed on January 30, 2012 (article text is far below in the archive link).
  6. State Minister Integration Advisory Board : More opportunities for migrants to participate in society. Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, March 8, 2013, accessed on February 28, 2020 (press release 73/2013).