Master Heinrich of Constance

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Master Heinrich von Konstanz was a sculptor who worked in the Lake Constance area around 1300 .


The assignment of the name "Master Heinrich von Konstanz " to individual sculptures is based on a group of figures from the Dominican convent of St. Katharinental near Diessenhofen : A Katharinental monastery chronicle says about them:

"St. Johannes picture was made by master Heinrich, the sculptor from Constantz, uss a walnut tree so beautiful that everyone was amazed, the master himself. "

Beyond that, no other documents are known about the person of Master Heinrich von Konstanz.


The work mentioned in the monastery chronicle is a group of Christ and John created around 1280–90 , which is now in the Mayer van den Bergh Museum in Antwerp. It is regarded as an outstanding example of Gothic carving and as a model for other Christ-John groups that were made around 1300 in southwest Germany and German-speaking Switzerland.

Based on style comparisons with the Christ-John group in Antwerp, several other important sculptures, which were created around 1300 on Lake Constance, are attributed to Master Heinrich von Konstanz and his circle: A figure of the Virgin Mary, which is still in the St. a group of figures of the Visitation (now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York), a group of Christ and John from Sigmaringen (now in the Bode Museum , Berlin) and a figure of Our Lady from Seeschwaben (also Bode Museum , Berlin).


  • Franz Hofmann: Master Heinrich from Constance. In: Hegau, magazine for history, folklore and natural history of the area between the Rhine, Danube and Lake Constance , year book 73/2016, pp. 5–28

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Hans Wentzel : The Christ-John groups of the XIVth century. Philipp Reclam Jun., Stuttgart 1960.
  2. Patrick De Rynck: Museum Mayer van den Bergh. Ludion, Amsterdam-Gent 2007, ISBN 978-90-5544-718-3 .
  3. a b c d I. Futterer: Gotische Bildwerke der Deutschen Schweiz 1220-1440. Dr. Benno Filser Verlag, Augsburg 1930.
  4. ^ Philippe de Montebello (ed.): The Metropolitan Museum of Art guide. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 1994, ISBN 0-87099-711-4 .
  5. ^ The Metropolitan Museum of Art: The Visitation. Attributed to Master Heinrich of Constance. On: Retrieved April 21, 2014.