Master media production picture and sound

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Certified master media production image and sound (IHK) is an industry-oriented advancement training of the chambers of industry and commerce (IHK) for the audiovisual (AV) media industry. The advanced training with master’s degree is aimed at middle managers and self-employed entrepreneurs in the AV media industry. The main focus is on operational management, consisting of operational organization and management as well as project management. The main focus here is on leading and instructing permanent and freelance employees as well as project teams. The advanced training is offered by certified training providers part-time or full-time.

Master media production for picture and sound develop technical concepts and plan and calculate AV production projects. You organize work processes and keep an eye on design requirements and key business data. You lead project and work teams and not only take on technical and design responsibility, but also responsibility for training. In the intermediary role between the hierarchical levels, external and internal team members and trades and disciplines, they have to be communicative and socially competent.

Content of the advancement training

1. Operations management

a. guide
b. organization

2. Project management

a. Project preparation
b. Project realization
c. Project completion

3. Work pedagogy: trainer aptitude test


Those who have successfully completed training as a media designer for image and sound or a film and video editor and have one year of professional experience are admitted to the test . Alternatively, a degree in another commercial-technical occupation with two years of professional experience or five years of experience in image and sound production can be recognized as an admission requirement.


The course can be funded according to the AFBG (so-called “ Aufstiegs-BAföG ”), the associated state subsidy amounts to up to 64% of the total costs. Depending on the provider, there is the option of fully financing the course as a full-time offer with an education voucher .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Full-time master media production - bm - society for education in media professions mbh . Education provider's website. Retrieved February 14, 2018.