Media designer for picture and sound

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Media designer image and sound is a state-recognized training occupation with a focus on audio and video technology . The training qualifies you to process image and sound recordings and to mix images and sound in live broadcasts. The training is considered a basic qualification for many specialized professions in the field of film and television production.

Areas of responsibility

Media designers picture and sound (MGBT) are used in particular by broadcasters , sound studios , advertising agencies and film and television production companies. A large proportion of MGBT people work as freelancers.

MGBT acquire different core qualifications depending on the training company. With a radio station, the focus is on design with sound. In film and television production companies on picture and sound, in companies with the use of special effects or animation programs, the focus is more on the picture and possibly programming. This list is only an example.

Typical areas of responsibility are:

  • Assistance in the creation of image and sound material by the cameraman or sound engineer
  • Lighting, decoration work
  • Processing of sound and images (editing)
  • Mixing of audio and video signals under live conditions
  • Cooperation with the author / editor, advice on production technology
  • Consideration of editorial and design aspects
  • Maintenance, provision and operation of relevant devices

Some of this work is carried out independently, but also due to the design requirements of directors , cameramen or editors . Basically, this depends on the type and scope of production as well as the qualifications of the MGBT and ultimately his client or employer.


Media designer in image and sound has been a training occupation regulated in Germany under the Vocational Training Act since 1996 . In terms of content, it is a deliberately broad-based training occupation that enables a variety of activities in AV media production. Thus, among other things, a state-recognized training basis has been created for the first time for the professional field of sound technician . The number of apprentices has grown steadily since 1996 and has been roughly constant since 2000, apart from retraining measures. There are apprenticeships with television broadcasters as well as with independent production companies, in the advertising industry, etc. The job description was reorganized on August 1, 2006. It has been revised, modernized, but not fundamentally changed.

The regular duration of the training is three years. In addition to training in the dual system, private and non-profit educational institutions also offer training or retraining for this profession. Instead of the vocational school, theoretical knowledge is imparted at the training provider and supplemented by practical training in companies.

As a media designer, you should be able to work in a variety of ways and, according to your job description, you should be able to plan, organize and carry out productions. Since such productions are very complex and affect many areas, the training is accordingly diverse and leads to a wide variety of possible applications in later professional life. The most important training areas are listed below:

  • Electrical engineering: The basics include knowledge of electricity , circuit diagrams , how to use the soldering iron , and occupational safety
  • Video technology: Signal types in video technology ( FBAS , YUV , SDI etc.), MAZ technology, image mixer, crossbars, measurement technology, block diagrams and connection plans
  • Camera: optics , structure and function of a camera, camera systems, time code , white balance, handling the tripod
  • Light: Basics of vision, color temperature , types of lamps, filters and foils
  • Editing: assembly theory , handling of linear editing systems, handling of non-linear editing systems, codecs
  • Sound: miking, sound level, sound processing (dubbing, mixing, sound editing), stereo process
  • Design: visual design, image composition , golden ratio , dramaturgy , journalistic formats, exposé, treatment, script / shooting schedule
  • Media Management: This is an independent examination subject in which all content relating to the business and legal framework of media production is summarized. Individual subject areas are u. a .: Interstate broadcasting treaty , media law ( copyright , competition law , personal rights , shooting permits), calculation of film and TV productions, collecting societies
  • WiSo: Economics and social studies are also an independent examination area.

further education

Media designers for image and sound can, among other things, gain further qualifications to become a camera assistant and a film editor . In Cologne and Munich there is a further training course to become a camera operator (IHK) and the TV Academy Central Germany offers further training to become a certified cameraman (IHK).

Today, many young people train to become a media designer for image and sound immediately after graduating from high school in order to be well prepared for studying at a technical university or technical college - in both theoretical and practical terms. Such universities usually recognize the training as preliminary training or internship.

Since mid-2012 there has been a master's degree for MGBT, the certified master media production image and sound . This advancement qualification aims to train MGBT in the areas of planning, calculation and operational management. MGBT should be able to plan, organize and control complex projects. At the same time, they can act as an interface between production, editing and technology.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Image and sound media designer training ordinance of February 28, 2020 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 300 )
  2. Certified master media production image and sound , (PDF; 74 kB), website of the BMBF, accessed on April 11, 2013.