Apostle Master

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As apostles master or sometimes Master of the Apostles from Rottweiler chapel tower of unnamed is medieval sculptor called that in 1330 the figure cycle of the apostles with the risen Christ from the tower of the chapel church in Rottweil has created. He was also known as the Christ Master , but this emergency name has received little recognition and the term Apostle Master has remained in common use.

The chapel tower, built around 1300 and mentioned for the first time in 1313, is considered to be an important Gothic church tower and its sandstone jewelry is an important example of Gothic monumental sculpture in the Swabian region . The cycle of apostles with Christ from the west side of the tower is programmatically related to the cycle of the prophets of the Old Testament with Mary from the south side of the tower, which was created almost at the same time . The cycle of prophets, however, was created by another sculptor who was also not known by name and was known as the master of the prophets (or "Master of Mary").

The figures of the apostles with Christ and those of the prophets with Mary were removed between 1891 and 1907 and have since been exhibited in the Lorenzkapelle art collection in Rottweil. Together with the collection of other sculptures in the chapel church, they are seen there as an example of the great Rottweiler stone carving art of the 14th century from the Rottweiler Bauhütte and sandstone sculpture with an almost independent Rottweiler style .

The apostle master is under the influence of the Gothic sculpture of France and seems to know the work of other building works such as Strasbourg and Freiburg and then to pass his style on in the region, for example to Augsburg .


  • Wolfgang Beeh: The chapel tower in Rottweil and its sculptures from the 14th century. Kalt-Bucher, Zug 1959 (Bonn, University, dissertation, 1959).
  • Wolfgang Beeh: On the history of the significance of the tower. The chapel tower in Rottweil. In: Yearbook for Aesthetics and General Art History. Vol. 6, 1961, ISSN  2195-6855 , pp. 177-206.
  • Willi Stähle: stone sculptures from the art collection Lorenzkapelle Rottweil (= publications of the Rottweil City Archives. Vol. 3). Rottweil City Archives, Rottweil 1974, ZDB -ID 1127699-x .
  • Hartwig Ebert: Cultural monuments in Rottweil. Self-published, Rottweil-Wellendingen 1986, ISBN 3-9800632-1-6 .
  • Denis A. Chevalley: The cathedral in Augsburg (= The art monuments of Bavaria. New series, Vol. 1). Oldenbourg, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-486-55960-5 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Willi Stähle: stone sculptures from the Lorenzkapelle art collection, Rottweil. 1974, p. 121.

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