Master of winter landscapes

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Around 1910, a Russian art historian named the Dutch or Flemish painter of three unsigned winter landscapes from the beginning of the 17th century as the master of winter landscapes (* 1586 ; † 1656 ) . He described him - as was customary in the Russian Empire at the time - in French as maitre des paysages d hiver . The composition of the pictures shows typical Dutch scenes of winter, ice and people in the landscape, depictions like those developed mainly by Hendrick Avercamp in the same epoch. The master of winter landscapes was subsequently identified with the Flemish painter Gysbrecht Leytens , who lived from 1586 to 1656.

Individual evidence

  1. W. Stchawinski in the pre-revolutionary Russian art magazine The Early Years (Starye Gody II 1910)
  2. P. Reelick: bijdrage dead Identificatie van den Meester of Winterlandschappen (G. Leytens?) . Oud Holland, 1942, LIX, pp. 74–79 and U. Härting: The master of winter landscapes, the painter Gysbrecht Leytens . Die Kunst, 1988, I, p. 27