Master of the older prayer book Maximilian I.

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The master of Maximilian I's older prayer book is a Flemish illuminator who painted a prayer book for Maximilian I around 1486 with five full-page miniatures and three initials primed with gold . This manuscript and the illustrations were probably created during Maximilian's stay in the Netherlands. It is referred to as the older prayer book to distinguish it from Maximilian I's later printed prayer book .

The master probably had his workshop in Bruges and is characterized by the special craftsmanship and details in his pictures. His picture of Maximilian kneeling before St. Sebastian (fol. 61v), a representation of the young king, is particularly well known.


Possibly the master of the older prayer book Maximilian I , who painted the portrait of the young Maximilian, is identical to the master of Hortulus Animae and the other pictures are a work from the studio of Alexander Bening (1444–1519).


  • Wolfgang Hilger (Ed. And introduction): The older prayer book of Maximilian I. Codex Vindobonensis 1907 of the Austrian National Library (= Codices selecti 39). Complete facsimile edition in the original format. Academic printing and Publishing house, Graz 1973, ISBN 3-201-00828-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Vienna, Austrian National Library, Codex Vindobonensis (Cod. Vindob.) 1907
  2. so z. B. in Marion Janzin, Joachim Güntner: The book of the book. 5000 years of book history. 3rd, revised and expanded edition. Schlütersche Buchhandlung, Hanover 2007, ISBN 978-389-99380-5-0 .