Master from 1342

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As champion of 1342 one is Gothic painter called. During the Middle Ages, he worked in southern France in the first half of the 14th century , probably in the historic province of Roussillon (Catalan. Rosselló). The artist, who is not known by name, received his emergency name from his altarpiece, dating from 1342, of a Madonna in one of the churches of Serdinya , a parish in the Pyrénées-Orientales department .

The master of 1342 belongs to the high Gothic style. He may have been influenced by the techniques of Gothic book illumination , in particular he may have been familiar with the working methods of the Parisian illuminators around 1290 or 1300 around Maître Honoré , as he tried to give his pictures three-dimensionality . The lines and folds of his figures are also based on the new form of representation that was developing in the sculpture of his time .


  • Maître de 1342. In: Michel Laclotte, Jean-Pierre Cuzin (ed.): Dictionnaire de la peinture. Derniere édition revue et corrigée. Larousse, Paris 1989.
  • A Checklist of Painters. c1200-1976. Represented in the Witt Library, Courtald Institute of Art, London. Mansell, London 1978, ISBN 0-7201-0718-0 .
  • Trésors de la peinture espagnole. Eglises et musées de France. Ministère d'Etat - Affaires Culturelles, Paris 1963 (exhibition catalog).