Master of Cercenasco

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Master of Cercenasco: Fresco of the life of Mary (detail), Piedmont, around 1490

An Italian painter of the early Renaissance in Italy is called the Master of Cercenasco ( Italian Maestro di Cercenasco) .

The artist, who is not known by name, received his emergency name from the frescoes he painted around 1490 in the Cappella di Sant'Anna in Cercenasco in Piedmont . These show scenes from the life of Mary . The frescoes are considered by art historians to be one of the most important examples of painting in Piedmont in the 15th century and an art treasure of the region.


  • Giovanni Romano: Il Maestro di Cercenasco . In: Per Maria Cionini Visani. Scritti di amici. Turin 1977, pp. 38-40.
  • Viviana Moretti: Il Maestro di Cercenasco. In: Bollettino della Società Piemontese di Archeologia e Belle Arti NS 59/60, 2008/09 (2010), pp. 63-99.

Individual evidence

  1. Marina Paglieri: A Cercenasco rischia di sparire un tesoro d 'arte del Quattrocento. Sgarbi: intervenga Bray per salvare gli affreschi di Sant'Anna . In: La Repubblica (Cultura). July 26, 2013 (newspaper article, Italian)