Mekaela Academies

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Mekaela Academies is the umbrella organization of six non-profit private schools in Kenya , approx. 50 km south of Mombasa. The schools are among the best in the Kwale district.


In the primary level, children are taught from grades 1 to 8, in the secondary level (secondary) in grades 9 to 12. A total of 1,850 children attend schools:

  • Manuel Alexander Primary School (Primary)
  • Likunda Primary School (Primary)
  • Ratinga Primary School (Primary)
  • Weber Primary School (Primary)
  • Lulu Boys High School (Secondary)
  • Lulu Girls High School (Secondary)

The number of employees at the Mekaela Academies is around 200.

More than half of all students are supported through direct sponsorships and through scholarship programs from various non-profit organizations.

The schools have a boarding area that is available for children from the age of 10. For older students from the 8th grade onwards, boarding school is mandatory at the Mekaela Academies . The upbringing of the boarding school students is based on the principles of the teacher Kurt Hahn .

The schools cover part of their staple food requirements with the products of two own farms.

The foundation of the Mekaela Academies in 1993 goes back to an initiative of members of the German non-profit organization Watoto eV (Watoto means children in Swahili ). The aim of the three founders is to pave the way for graduates of the Mekaela Academies through the best possible education to a university place or vocational training, so that they can build a secure existence on their own.

The establishment of the Mekaela Academies was financed by donations from Watoto eV. An exception is the Lulu Girls High School, which is owned by the German One World Foundation from Oldenburg, but the school is fully integrated into the organization of the Mekaela Academies.

The Mekaela Academies were organized as private schools in order to be able to set up and run the schools without the interference of state authorities. The organization is not for profit and works on a non-profit basis. According to the statutes, any surpluses may not be distributed, but must be distributed to school children or their parents in the form of benefits in kind or to school staff.

The social aspect of the project is guaranteed by a sponsorship program from Watoto eV, which enables children from particularly poor families to attend school through scholarships . All students also receive free basic health care.

The Mekaela Academies have a Noble Domestic Agency that arranges jobs for family members of the students.

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