Melanie Rohde

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Melanie Rohde (born May 17, 1971 in Cologne ) is a German actress and screenwriter.


Rohde studied political science in Cologne, Berlin, Lausanne and Paris. In 1998 she graduated with a Franco-German diploma on Foucault. During her studies she played theater (youth club of the Kölner Schauspielhaus) and worked in various editorial offices (including Die Zeit and Les Annales, both Paris). After graduation, she was accepted by the daily soap Marienhof (Das Erste). There she played the role of Hannah van der Looh for four years . Then she made a short film, worked at various Berlin theaters (Baracke, Ostermeier and Volksbühnen, Castorf etc.) and wrote a play. As a scholarship holder of the script workshop of the HFF Munich, she developed The Killer and the Suicide . Rohde graduated from the Hamburg School of Authors in 2004/2005. In 2006 she wrote the screenplay Autistic Disco , which was filmed by Hans Steinbichler in the summer of the same year . She also wrote the screenplay for Die Vermissten (2012).

Filmography (selection)

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