Melusine / secondary literature

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This list shows the secondary literature on Melusinen material processed in such a way that it can be sorted by author as well as by year of publication. The list does not claim to be complete.

Author / Ed. title Publisher / ISBN year language
Barié, Paul & Andersen, Hans Christian & Giuseppe Tomasi de Lampedusa The little mermaid. A comparison Sonnenberg, Annweiler
ISBN 3-933264-71-5
2012 GermanyGermany
Dimpel, Friedrich Michael Taboo and darkness: Problems of sympathy management in the 'Melusine' of Thuringia von Ringoltingen, in: Sympathie und Literatur: On the relevance of the concept of sympathy for literary studies, ed. C. Hillebrandt / E. Kampmann (= Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft 19), 205–235 ESV, Berlin
ISBN 978-3-503-15510-1
2014 GermanyGermany
Kmec, Sonja Melusina liminalis - The ancestor of the Luxembourgers between fairy figure and witch habitus, in: Knowledge transfer. Interdisciplinary approaches to conveying magic and sorcery imaginations, ed. Heinz Sieburg and Rita Voltmer in appearance 2015 GermanyGermany
Herwig, Henriette Sirens and water women. Cultural-historical, gender-discursive and media dimensions of a literary motif . In: Joseph Anton Kruse , Ed .: Heine-Jahrbuch, 47 . Pp. 118-140 Metzler, Stuttgart
ISBN 3-476-02279-X
2008 GermanyGermany
Bouloumié, Arlette & Béhar, Henri eds. Mélusine moderne et contemporaine. L'Age d'Homme 2001 FranceFrance
Heisig, Karl About the origin of the Melusin legend . In: Fabula 3, pp. 170-181. 1960 GermanyGermany
Le Goff, Jacques Melusine - mother and reclaimer . In: Jacques Le Goff : For another Middle Ages. Time, work and culture in Europe in the 5th-15th centuries Century . Selected by Dieter Groth, introduced by Juliane Kümmell, pp. 147–174. Ullstein, Berlin; Drumlin, Weingarten
ISBN 3-548-35180-8 ; ISBN 3-924027-51-X
1984, 1987 GermanyGermany
Lecouteux, Claude Melusine . In: Encyclopedia of Fairy Tales . Concise dictionary for historical and comparative narrative research, founded by Kurt Ranke. Edited by Rolf Wilhelm Brednich a. a. 1975 (ff.), Volume 9 (1999), Columns 555-562. de Gruyter
ISBN 3-11-005805-7
1999 GermanyGermany
Müller, Jan-Dirk Melusine . In: The German literature of the Middle Ages: author lexicon . Founded by Wolfgang Stammler. Continued by Karl Langosch . Edited by Burghart Wachinger. Together with Gundolf Keil… Red. Christine Stöllinger-Löser. Volume 9, pp. 908 ff. de Gruyter
ISBN 3-11-014024-1
1995 GermanyGermany
Müller, Jan-Dirk (ed.) Novels of the 15th and 16th centuries. After the first prints with all woodcuts. In: Library of the early modern period. Twenty-four volumes. With illustrations. Edited by Wolfgang Harms, Conrad Wiedemann and Franz-Josef Worstbrock. First department. Literature in the Age of Humanism and the Reformation. Twelve volumes. Edited by Wolfgang Harms and Franz-Josef Worstbrock. Part 1. Deutscher Klassiker Verlag
ISBN 3-618-66310-2
1990 GermanyGermany
Bennewitz-Behr, Ingrid Melusine's sisters. Observations on the female figures of the 15th and 16th centuries. In: German Studies and German Lessons in the Age of Technology. Self-determination and adaptation. Lectures at the Germanistentag Berlin 1987. Ed. Norbert Oellers, Vol. 4, pp. 291-300 1988 GermanyGermany
Ertzdorff, Xenia von The fairy as ancestress. To the ›Melusine‹ of the Thuringia from Ringoltingen. In: Festschrift Hans Eggers for his 65th birthday. Edited by Herbert Backes, Articles Special Volume 94, pp. 428–457 1972 GermanyGermany
Haug, Walter Francesco Petrarca - Nicolaus Cusanus - Thuringia of Ringoltingen. Three samples for a story of individuality in the 14th / 15th centuries Century. In: Individuality. Edited by Manfred Frank and Anselm Haverkamp. Poetics and Hermeneutics XIII , pp. 291-324. 1988 GermanyGermany
Junk, Ulrike ›That's how women must be‹. - To analyze a pattern of interpretation of femininity using the example of the ›Melusine‹ of Thuringia von Ringoltingen. In: The Frauwen buoch. Try a feminist medieval studies. Edited by Ingrid Bennewitz, pp. 327-352. 1989 GermanyGermany
Kindl, Ulrike Melusine - fairy tale or historical legend? In: Annali della Facoltà di lingue e letterature straniere di Ca'Foscari 23 , pp. 115–126. 1984 GermanyGermany
Kraß, Andreas Mermaids. Stories of an impossible love. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main
ISBN 978-3-10-038195-8
2010 GermanyGermany
Lecouteux, Claude La structure des légends Mélusiniennes. In: Annales ESC 33 , pp. 294-306. 1978 FranceFrance
Lecouteux, Claude On the origin of the Melusin saga. In: ZfdPh 98 , pp. 73-84. 1979 GermanyGermany
Müller, Jan-Dirk Melusine in Bern. On the problem of the ›bourgeoisisation‹ of courtly epic in the 15th century. In: literature, audience, historical context. Edited by Gert Kaiser, pp. 27-77. 1977 GermanyGermany
Müller, Jan-Dirk Text structure, legend structure, historical ›mentality‹. Proposals for an expansion of the socio-historical research approach. In: Social history of literature. Symposium Reisenburg. Edited by Wolfgang Frühwald. 1990 GermanyGermany
Roloff, Hans-Gert Style studies on prose of the 15th century. The Melusine of Thuringia from Ringoltingen. 1970 GermanyGermany
Quiet, Kurt The ›Melusine‹ of the Thuringia of Ringoltingen. In: SBBAW , H. 5, pp. 5-24 1985 GermanyGermany
Shepherd, Renate Fontane's melusine motif. in Euphorion (magazine) vol. 56 winter 1962 GermanyGermany
Stouff, Louis Essai sur Mélusine. Roman du XIV e siècle par Jean d'Arras. 1930 FranceFrance
Essenwein, August of Pictures from 1468 to tell the story of the beautiful Melusine. In: Anzeiger zur Kunde der Deutschen Vorzeit , NF 29, Sp. 325–330. 1882 GermanyGermany
Clier-Colombani, Françoise La fée Mélusine au Moyen Age: images, mythes et symboles. 1991 FranceFrance
Backes, Martina "[...] from the navel up a human and pretty weyblichs forms / and from the navel down a large, long worm": to illustrate German Melusinen manuscripts of the 15th century. In: Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch , NF 37, pp. 67–88. 1996 GermanyGermany
Clier-Colombani, Françoise Les gestes de Melusine. In: Le geste et les gestes au Moyen Âge. Center Universitaire d'Etudes et de Recherches Médiévales d'Aix-en-Provence , pp. 145–173. 1998 FranceFrance
Lauterbach, Christiane "... and from the navel down a big long worm": the sea fairy Melusine between the worlds In: MONTHS ANSWER 262 , pp. 7–9. 2003 GermanyGermany
Backes, Martina Foreign histories: Investigations into the transmission and reception history of French narratives in the German late Middle Ages. Hermaea; 103. 2004 GermanyGermany
Klugsberger, T. The integration of the Melusinen figure in the story In: Schmidt, G. (Ed.): The characters of the history , pp. 117–127. 1986 GermanyGermany
Lecouteux, Claude Mélusine et le Chavalier au Cygne 1982 FranceFrance
Péporté, Pit Melusina. In: S. Kmec, B. Majerus, M. Margue & P. ​​Péporté (éds): Lieux de mémoire au Luxembourg. Places of remembrance in Luxembourg. 2e édition corrigée et complétée. Luxembourg, pp. 55-60 (Notes: p. 355). Éditions Saint-Paul ISBN 978-2-87963-705-1 2008 LuxembourgLuxembourg
Steinkämper, Claudia Melusine. From snake woman to "beauty with the fish tail". Practices and strategies of literary appropriation V&R ISBN 3-525-35889-X online google book search 2007 GermanyGermany
Rohse, Heide "Poor Effie!" Contradictions of gender identity in Fontane's "Effi Briest" In: Freiburg literature psychological discussions, vol. 17: contradictions of gender identity. by Johannes Cremerius, Gottfried Fischer, Ortrud Gutjahr, and Carl Pietzcker Königshausen and Neumann ISBN 3-8260-1509-6 online google book search 1998 GermanyGermany
Bennholdt-Thomsen, Anke; Guzzoni, Alfredo The picture of the water woman in Mörike's history of the beautiful Lau. In: Archive for the Study of Modern Languages ​​and Literatures 224, pp. 254–269 1987 GermanyGermany
Fuchs, Dörte; Günter, Andrea Laughing into a faint. Eduard Mörike's history of the beautiful Lau. Archeology of a text. In: Longing and Siren. Fourteen Treatises on Water Fantasies. Ed. Irmgard Roebling . Pp. 131-144 Centaurus, Pfaffenweiler ISBN 3-89085-505-9 1992 GermanyGermany
Ohl, Hubert Melusine as a myth in Theodor Fontane. In: Myth and Mythology in 19th Century Literature. Edited by Helmut Koopmann . Pp. 289-306 Vittorio Klostermann ISBN 3-465-01318-2 google book search online [1] 1979


Bellgardt, Michael Melusine and her sisters. Mythical water creatures in literary discourse. Microfiche , 4 sheets, 240 pages University of Mannheim , Diss. Phil. Also at DNB Ffm & Lpz. available 1997 GermanyGermany
Zeldenrust, Lydia The Melusine Romance in Medieval Europe: Translation, Circulation, and Material Contexts Cambridge: DS Brewer 2020 English