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Menologion or Menologium (Greek μηνολόγιον , Church Slavonic мѣсяцесло́въ , Latin menologium , German monthly book ) primarily refers to a collection of detailed lives of saints (Viten), which in the order of the months according to the dates of the respective feast days in the Orthodox and Catholic Eastern Churches is ordered.

A subsidiary form of such menologies with saintly life in short is called more precisely Synaxarion (example: Menologion of Basil II ).

In the manuscripts, Menologion also appears as a name from liturgical pericopes , sometimes with the same meaning as Synaxarion . In the New Testament textual research the lists, which are arranged according to the liturgical calendar dates, are called menologies , in liturgical science they are called menologia minora (small menologies) to distinguish them from the hagiographic collections of the same name . Directories of cultic inspections in the "moving" church year are then called synaxaria or synaxaria minora (small synaxaria).

See also


  • Menologium , in Lexicon for Theology and Church , Vol. 5, Herder Verlag Freiburg i. Br., 2000;
  • Jacques Noret: Ménologes, synaxaires, ménées. Essai de clarification d'une terminology . In: Analecta Bollandiana 86 (1968) 21-24.

Web links

Commons : Menologium  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. from μήν , month , and λόγιον collection