Imperial menologium

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The Imperial Menologium ( Middle Greek Αυτοκρατορικό Μηνολόγιο ) is a Byzantine collection of holy lives ( Vitae ). The name is based on the fact that at the end of each biography there is a prayer for the well-being of the reigning emperor . Most likely Emperor Michael IV of Byzantium (1034-1041) is meant . The Menologium originally consisted of two times 365 vites, i.e. two for each day of the year. Around 200 such texts have been preserved. They are characterized by moderate length and a sophisticated style of speech. Some of the manuscripts of the Menologium are illuminated luxury items.

See also


  • Vasilij Vasil'jevič Latyšev : Menologii anonymi Byzantini saeculi X quae supersunt , 2 vols. Petrograd 1911/12.
  • F. Halkin - A.-J. Festugière : Dix textes inédits tirés du Ménologe Impérial de Koutloumous . Genève: P. Cramer 1984.
  • F. Halkin: Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Subsidia Hagiographica 69). Bruxelles: Société des Bollandistes 1985.
  • Francesco D'Aiuto: Nuove elementi per la datazione del Menologio Imperiale: i copisti degli esemplari miniati . In: Rendiconti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche IX, 8 (1997) 715-747.