Metaplasm (rhetoric)

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Metaplasm ( Greek  μεταπλασμός , transformation ') is an umbrella term for a group of rhetorical figures in which individual words are changed against the rules of morphology or phonology for reasons of poetic sound, compliance with the meter , emphasis, the intended comedy or Surprise.

The poet or artist has a license for the aforementioned intended deviations from the norm ; the non-licensed deviation, on the other hand, is considered barbarism in ancient rhetoric .

A basic distinction can be made between metaplasmas

Metaplasmas are also less common than conscious neologisms . An example of this is the concept of Différance introduced by Jacques Derrida (phonetic identical to the French word différence , 'difference').

If words are used in an idiomatically incorrect context or syntactically incorrect, one speaks of solözismus (gr. Σολοικισμός ). The metaplasm is thus a one-word figure, the solözismus is based on a wrong combination of several words. The licensed violation of idioms or syntax was called in classical rhetoric Greek σχῆμα , schēma , Latin schēma or figūra .
