Michael M. Wolf

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Michael M. Wolf , quoted as MM Wolf, (* 1974 in Bavaria ) is a German mathematical physicist and professor at the Technical University of Munich . He deals with quantum information theory and the fundamentals of quantum mechanics.

From 1993 Wolf studied physics at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and at the Ruprecht Karls University in Heidelberg . In 1999 he graduated with a diploma, with Alois Putzer's dissertation as part of the ALEPH collaboration at CERN (measurement of the coupling of electroweak calibration bosons with optimal observables). In 2003 he received his doctorate with Reinhard F. Werner at the TU Braunschweig (The partial transposition in quantum information theory). As a post-doctoral student , he led the theory group Quantum Information under Ignacio Cirac at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching from 2003 to 2008 . From 2008 he was Ole Roemer Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen and at the same time Adjoint Professor at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. Since 2011 he has been a professor at the Technical University of Munich, where he heads the Mathematical Physics department .

In 2006 he showed that the connection between quantum entanglement entropy and surface area of ​​infinitely extended translation-invariant fermion systems is violated by additional logarithmic terms , in contrast to the case of many-body systems consisting of bosons . He showed this for systems with interactions of finite range (finite Fermi surface ).

In 2015 he showed with others that the problem of whether a quantum mechanical many-body system (shown for two-dimensional translation-invariant systems with nearest-neighbor interaction) has a gap in the spectrum is generally undecidable.

In 2008 he embedded the Bell inequalities in the formalism of the theory of the spaces of operators on Hilbert spaces ( Operator Space Theory ) and achieved new results such as the proof of a conjecture by Boris Tsirelson that the Bell inequalities can be violated indefinitely in three-state correlations . In this context, he generalized a classic result of functional analysis (the fundamental theorem of the metric theory of tensor products by Alexander Grothendieck ), whose connection with Bell inequalities was previously recognized by Tsirelson. These results are considered to be important advances on the way to a quantitative treatment of the violation of Bell inequalities and thus the limits of local classical theories of hidden variables (the Bell inequalities are violated by quantum mechanics, but apply to local classical theories).


  • with Toby Cubitt, David Perez-Garcia: Undecidability of the spectral gap , Arxiv: 1502.04573 (on this also Nature, Volume 528, 2015, pp. 207-211, Arxiv: 1502.04135 ).
  • with T. Heinosaari, L. Mazzarella: Quantum Tomography under prior information. In: Communication in Mathematical Physics.
  • with D. Perez-Garcia, C. Palazuelos, I. Villanueva, M. Junge: Unbounded violation of tripartite Bell inequalities. In: Communication in Mathematical Physics , Volume 279, 2008, pp. 455-486. Arxiv: quant-ph / 0702189 .
  • with M. Junge, Palazuelos, Perez-Garcia, Villanueva: Operator space theory: a natural framework for Bell inequalities , Arxiv: 0912.1941 .
  • with M. Junge u. a .: Unbounded violations of bipartite Bell Inequalities via Operator Space theory , Arxiv: 0910.4228 .
  • with JI Cirac: Dividing quantum cannels. In: Communication in Mathematical Physics , Volume 279, 2008, pp. 147-168. Arxiv: math-ph / 0611057 .
  • Violation of the entropic area law for fermions. In: Physical Review Letters , Volume 96, 2006, p. 010404, ArXiv: quant-ph / 0503219 .
  • with David Perez-Garcia: Assessing dimensions from evolution. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. , Volume 102, 2009, p. 190504, Arxiv: 0901.2542 .
  • with RF Werner: Bound entangled Gaussian states. In: Physical Review Letters , Volume 86, 2001, pp. 3658-3661, ArXiv: quant-ph / 0009118 .

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