Michael Maleinos

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Michael Maleïnos (baptized name Manuel ) (* around 894 in Charsianon ; † July 12, 961 ibid) was a Byzantine monk and founder of the Kyminas monastery on Mount Kyminas (Olympus of Mysia ) in Bithynia (today's Uludağ ). He is one of the Byzantine saints.

He was born as Manuel Maleinos . His parents were Eudokimus Maleinos and Anastaso Adralestina. His nephew was Nikephorus II. Phocas , who became Byzantine emperor after Michael's death. He spent his youth at the court of Leo VI. who was a relative, where he also received the title of Spatharo Candidate .

In 912 he entered a monastery in the mountains near the Gallos River and at the foot of the Kyminas. After his father's death he left his extensive earthly possessions to his brother Constantine. He later led a hermit life until he founded a hermitage in 921 about 10-15 km north of the Kymina, which developed into a Laura . As the number of his followers grew, he returned to the Kyminas and founded a larger Laura.

Around 952 he consecrated Abraamios under the name Athanasios as a monk. He had a great influence on these, as well as on his nephew Nikephorus II Phocas . His vita was written by a monk Theophanes , possibly a student and companion of Michael.


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