Michael Sessions

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Michael Sessions (born September 22, 1987 ) is a former American local politician . In 2005, when he was 18 years old, he became mayor of Hillsdale , Michigan . The city has around 8,200 inhabitants.

Michael Sessions made headlines beyond the United States on November 8, 2005 when he unexpectedly emerged victorious in the mayoral election in the small town of Hillsdale. The student received 670 votes in the election count, two votes ahead of previous incumbent Douglas Ingles (668 votes).

Sessions began his election campaign two days after he turned 18. He invested about $ 700 in it , which he earned from a vacation job. In discussions with citizens, he presented himself as the better alternative. He had to encourage his supporters to put his name on the ballot papers. He probably won voter sympathy through his promise to increase the number of city firefighters from three to four.

On November 21, he took the oath of office as mayor for a four-year electoral term in the presence of several camera teams, including from abroad. Part-time work is rewarded with office salaries of $ 3,000 annually.

Sessions was the youngest mayor in the history of the town in Hillsdale County, southwest of Detroit , and one of the youngest in US history.

In 2007 he was treated for cancer. After graduating from high school , Sessions went to college in his hometown.

In 2009, Sessions did not run for re-election as mayor because his upcoming college graduation and future plans stand in the way of a second four-year term.

Individual evidence

  1. Augsburger Allgemeine of November 21, 2005: At the age of 18 already mayor in a small American town
  2. SZ-online of November 22, 2005: It will be tough, of course  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed on March 5, 2009@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.sueddeutsche.de  
  3. toledoblade.com from August 31, 2007: Youngest mayor in America when elected, Hillsdale's Sessions treated for testicular cancer , accessed on March 5, 2009
  4. College-student mayor not seeking re-election , The Washington Times, April 14, 2009, accessed December 4, 2017

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