Mikhail Vladimirovich Rybalko

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Mikhail Vladimirovich Rybalko ( Russian Михаил Владимирович Рыбалко , Ukrainian Михайло Володимирович Рибалко * 22. November 1956 in Chernihiv ; † 27. September 1979 in Sondershausen ) was a Soviet military pilot and air force officer. In a plane crash near Sondershausen, he succeeded in preventing the death of bystanders, while he himself was killed.

Crash on September 27, 1979

Rybalko was as a lieutenant in the 294th Aviation Regiment in Allstedt stationed there and flew a reconnaissance aircraft type MiG-21R .

On September 27, 1979, engine problems occurred during a flight, namely at an altitude of about 800 meters between Bad Frankenhausen and Sondershausen . Although Rybalko received the clear order to disembark over the radio, he did not catapult himself out, but pulled the already burning machine with the last reserve of speed over the Sondershausen new development area Borntal, since otherwise the plane would have crashed there without a driver.

The impact then took place at 4:47 p.m. about 400 meters away from the last blocks of flats or 60 meters above it on the slope, with the aircraft tearing a 300-meter-long swath into the Göldnerwald . It is assumed that the rear of the MiG hit the ground first, as it is said to have been in a very "excessive" flight condition at the time of the crash.

The mortal remains of Rybalko were first buried in the Soviet cemetery of honor at the rose garden in Sondershausen and later transferred to his Ukrainian hometown of Chernihiv.


  • Memorial plaque on the Soviet Cemetery of Honor (Lage) at the Rose Garden.
  • Memorial stone near the crash site (location) at the beginning of the so-called Prinzessinnenweg, not far from the roundabout near Sondershausen, erected in 2020 by the association "Statt Urwald - Kulturwald am Possen und Hainleite"

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Freund: Soviet LSK losses / accidents in GDR. In: www.flugzeugforum.de. June 21, 2009, accessed December 14, 2020 .
  2. oldyankee: losses / accidents Soviet LSK in GDR. In: www.flugzeugforum.de. May 10, 2011, accessed December 14, 2020 .
  3. a b Gerhard Axt: It was a heroic deed. (PDF) In: www.nordthueringen.de. September 27, 2019, accessed December 14, 2020 .
  4. Commemoration of a prevented catastrophe. In: www.kyffhaeuser-nachrichten.de. September 27, 2019, accessed December 14, 2020 .
  5. oldyankee: losses / accidents Soviet LSK in GDR. In: www.flugzeugforum.de. May 11, 2011, accessed December 14, 2020 .
  6. Ingo Linsel: Attended the board meeting. In: www.nordthueringen.de. October 24, 2019, accessed December 14, 2020 .
  7. Sibylle Klepzig: From the forest path the treetops in view. In: www.pressreader.com. August 6, 2020, accessed December 14, 2020 .
  8. HK: New memorial stones in the forest. In: Heimatecho special houses. July 29, 2020, accessed December 14, 2020 .