Michel Paoli

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Michel Paoli (* 1966 ) is a French Italianist who has made a name for himself primarily with his research on Alberti and Ariost . He teaches at the Université de Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens .


Paoli studied at the ENS LSH in Lyon, received his doctorate at the Sorbonne and completed his habilitation in 2001. His research focus is the Italian Renaissance , he has published mainly on Leon Battista Alberti and Ludovico Ariosto.

Outside of his main focus, he has published numerous other essays and articles, the breadth of topics ranges from the origin of the sonnet to Vasco Pratolini . Paoli also operates a website with what is currently the most comprehensive bibliography on Alberti research, which gathers research contributions since 1995.

Bibliography (selection)

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Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Christine Tauber: Statics for the homeless. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, August 5, 2005, p. 35.