Michele di Lando

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Statue in Florence

Michele di Lando (* 1343 in Florence , † 1401 in Lucca or Modena ) was an Italian cloth worker and later owner of a cloth workshop. He was involved in the Ciompi uprising in 1378 .


Michele di Lando was the son of a market woman. He later worked as a foreman in a cloth workshop while his wife worked in a butcher's shop. In the Ciompi uprising in 1378 he was involved as a worker. The Ciompi sent him as one of their gonfaloniers to the Balìa , the newly formed government.

In the government, the patricians finally succeeded in getting Michele di Lando to their side for a large bribe. He convinced the rest of the Ciompi in the government to keep quiet. On August 31, he introduced the two Ciompi leaders who were on their way to the Palazzo della Signoria to present their new petitions. He is said to have exclaimed "Death to those who want a master", which was the agreed sign for the armed members of the guilds to enter the square. Ciompi also poured into the square and a fight broke out, in the course of which the Ciompi were defeated and had to flee. The Ciompi uprising was over.

He was banished from Florence in 1382 and stayed briefly in Lucca before moving on to Modena. There he rose to become the owner of his own Bottega and Lanaiolo, a member of the important Arte della Lana .


Web links

Commons : Michele di Lando  - Collection of images, videos and audio files