Microsoft Macro Assembler
The Microsoft Macro Assembler (abbreviated MASM ) is an assembler developed by Microsoft for X86 processors . It translates assembly code into executable, native machine code .
The Microsoft Macro Assembler developed at times to be the most widely used assembler for the development of MS-DOS programs. Nowadays MASM is the preferred assembler for all Microsoft-based operating systems (probably due to the MASM32-SDK). It is included in current versions in the Microsoft Visual Studio (and Express) development environment , but it is also available in a separate download version. The free versions of MASM may not be used for commercial purposes. In addition, they may only be used for development for Microsoft operating systems - all other operating systems are expressly excluded by the EULA (End-User License Agreement).
As a commercial competitor to the Microsoft Macro Assembler is maintained particularly the Turbo Assembler of Borland . The programs jWasm, Netwide Assembler and Flat assembler , for example , have become known as free and free alternatives .
The current version 14.0 supports the following instruction sets : x86 / 64 , x87-fpu , MMX , 3DNow , SSE , SSE2 , SSE3 , SSSE3 , SSE4.1 , SSE4.2 , SSE4.A , VMX , AVX , AVX2 , AES , CVT16 , FMA3 and FMA4. From version 8.0 there are two editions with the same version number, one for the x86-32 architecture and one for the x86-64 architecture.
Expressions similar to high-level languages
MASM has expressions as you know them from C. These make programming easier and help keep the source text clearer.
.if .elseif .else .endif
(Function call)
A particularly striking feature of MASM, as the name suggests, is the extremely powerful macro system. With it it is possible to create program code as well as to process text. So it is e.g. B. possible to generate constructs of higher programming languages like "switch" (multiple selection in C).
The IBM Macro Assembler and the IBM Macro Assembler / 2 were OEM versions of the MASM. Although MASM is no longer a commercial product, it is still supported by Microsoft. The last MASM version sold as a single software package was version 6.11.
MASM version | date | product | Remarks |
1.0 | 1981 | (IBM) | for 8086 |
2.0 | 1984 | (Single product) | for 8086/8087 |
3.0 | 1984 | (Single product) | |
4.0 | 1985 | (Single product) | |
5.0 | 1987 | (Single product) | |
5.1 | 1988 | (Single product) | OS / 2 support |
6.0 | 1991 | (Single product) | 32bit and OS / 2 support, with the integrated development environment Programmer’s WorkBench |
6.1 | 1992 | (Single product) | |
6.11 | 1993 | (Single product) | |
6.11d | 09/19/1995 | Windows 95 Driver Developer Kit | 6.11d is the last version for DOS |
6.12 | 08/27/1997 | (Update) | Support for Intel MMX instructions; without DOS extender |
6.13 | 05.12.1997 | (Update) | Support for AMD 3DNow instructions |
6.14 | 04/12/1999 | (Update) | Support for SSE |
6.15 | 2000 | Visual C ++ 6.0 Processor Pack | Support for SSE2 |
7.0 | 2002 | Visual C ++ .NET 2002 | |
7.1 | 2003 | Visual C ++ .NET 2003 | |
8.0 | 2005 | Visual C ++ 2005 | from 8.0 two separate versions: x86-32 (ml.exe) and x86-64 (ml64.exe), SSE3 / SSSE3 |
9.0 | 2008 | Visual C ++ 2008 | SSE4.1 / SSE4.2 / SSE4.A |
10.0 | 2010 | Visual C ++ 2010 | AVX / AES |
11.0 | 2011 | Visual C ++ 2011 | AVX2 / FMA / half-precision conversion |
12.0 | 2013 | Visual C ++ 2013 |
Sample programs
example 1
This program displays a dialog box with the text "Hello World":
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include ; MASM32 SDK
include ;
include ;
includelib user32.lib ;
includelib kernel32.lib ;
StrA macro text:=<> ;macro
IFNDEF some_cntr ;
some_cntr = 0 ;
some_cntr = some_cntr + 1 ;
IFNB <text> ;
.data ;
@CatStr(_stra_,%some_cntr) db text,0 ;
.code ;
% EXITM <OFFSET @CatStr(_stra_,%some_cntr)> ;
echo string required! ;
EXITM <> ;
invoke MessageBox,NULL,StrA("Hello World"),StrA("Say hello"),MB_OK ;
invoke ExitProcess,NULL ;
end start
Example 2
This example program shows a window with the text "Hello World!":
include ; MASM32 SDK
ClassName db "WinClass",0
AppName db "Hello World App",0
Text db "Hello World!",0
msg MSG <>
mov wc.hInstance,rv(GetModuleHandle,NULL) ; fill WNDCLASSEX-struct
mov wc.lpfnWndProc,OFFSET WndProc ;
mov wc.hbrBackground,rv(CreateSolidBrush,0FFFFFFh) ;
mov wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET ClassName ;
mov wc.hIcon,rv(LoadIcon,NULL,IDI_APPLICATION) ;
mov wc.hIconSm,eax ;
mov wc.hCursor,rv(LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW) ;
invoke RegisterClassEx,OFFSET wc
invoke CreateWindowEx,NULL\ ; create window
,OFFSET ClassName\ ;
,OFFSET AppName\ ;
,NULL\ ;
,NULL\ ;
,wc.hInstance\ ;
push eax ; tricky parameter passing ;)
invoke ShowWindow,DWORD ptr [esp+4],SW_SHOWNORMAL ;
call UpdateWindow ;
.while TRUE ; message loop
invoke GetMessage,OFFSET msg,NULL,0,0 ;
.break .if (!eax) ;
invoke TranslateMessage, OFFSET msg ;
invoke DispatchMessage, OFFSET msg ;
.endw ;
invoke ExitProcess,0 ; exit Program
WndProc proc hWnd:DWORD,uMsg:DWORD,wParam:DWORD,lParam:DWORD ; window call-back function
.if uMsg == WM_DESTROY
invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL
.elseif uMsg == WM_PAINT
invoke BeginPaint,hWnd,ADDR ps ; paint text "Hello World!"
invoke GetClientRect,hWnd,ADDR rect ;
invoke DrawText,ps.hdc\ ;
,OFFSET Text\ ;
,SIZEOF Text\ ;
,ADDR rect\ ;
invoke EndPaint,hWnd,ADDR ps ;
invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
xor eax,eax
WndProc endp
end start
Example 3
This program demonstrates an algorithm for the determination of character string lengths with the help of SSE2 instructions:
include ; MASM32 SDK
.686p ; choose instruction set
.mmx ;
.xmm ;
szLenXmm proto :DWORD
szTextA db "This string is 55 bytes long (without termination-zero)",0
invoke szLenXmm,OFFSET szTextA ; call szLenXmm
invoke MessageBox,0,OFFSET szTextA\
,cat$(chr$("string size = "),udword$(eax))\ ; generate title using macros
invoke ExitProcess,0 ; exit program
szLenXmm proc lpString:DWORD ; determine string size
mov edx,lpString ; using XMM-instrutions
pxor xmm1,xmm1 ;
xor ecx,ecx ; PS: under extremely rarely
align 16 ; conditions this func. may
@@: movdqu xmm0,OWORD ptr [edx]; cause an access violation
pcmpeqb xmm0,xmm1 ;
pmovmskb eax,xmm0 ;
test eax,eax ;
lea ecx,[ecx+16] ;
lea edx,[edx+16] ;
jz @B ;
@@: lea ecx,[ecx-16] ;
bsf eax,eax ;
.if !ZERO? ;
lea ecx,[eax+ecx] ;
.endif ; str. size returns
mov eax,ecx ; through EAX
ret ;
szLenXmm endp ;
end start
Web links
- Download MASM 8.0 (for Visual C ++ 2005 Express Edition)
- Microsoft Macro Assembler Reference MSDN
- MASM32 support forum
- German support and example programs for MASM32
- jWasm