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The planet Midkemia is a fictional world known from a fantasy novel series by the American writer Raymond Feist .

Literary genesis

The world of Midkemia was designed as a variation of the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game by the so-called "Thursday Nighters", a group of students at the University of San Diego , from 1975 onwards. In 1977 the Midkemia Press was founded, which designed and published products for the Midkemia role play world. Raymond Feist played in the student group for three years before writing first (unpublished) stories set in the world. The author then used the world of Midkemia as the basis for an idea for a novel, which he finally realized in 1979 in his debut novel Magician . Due to the rapid success of the books, the name Midkemia is now almost exclusively associated with Feist, even if Feist refers to the "true" inventors of the world Midkemia in numerous forewords to his books and thanks them for their support in the design of his works . Except for the supporting characters Praji and Vaja from the sixth volume (created by Feist's friend Richard Spahl), none of the characters from the first series of novels (Midkemia saga) were based on the player characters from Feist's student days.

The computer role-playing games Betrayal at Krondor (1993) and Return to Krondor (1998) also play Midkemia in the world.

The detailed cultures in Feist's novels were often designed from historical cultures: Queg is based on Rome; the multiethnic Kesh in Arabia and the Maasai; Tsuranuanni on Japan and China. Novindus carries trains from India and Australia; Rodez and Roldem of Spain; Finstermoor of Germany, Krondor of London, Bas-Tyra of France. Despite these similarities, there are also separate elements. In the case of elves and dwarfs, there are clearly recognizable bonds to JRR Tolkien , especially in the proper names of the elves, which are based on Sindarin .


The planet has three continents, Triagia , Novindus and Winet . The first five volumes of the series called in the German Midkemia Saga (English Riftwar Saga ) only play on Triagia and partly on another planet, Kelewan . Both worlds are connected by a magical gap.

Novindus is relevant only in the sixth part of the Midkemia Saga and is in the following snake war-Saga (engl. Serpentwar Saga ) further treated.

Originally only the Valheru (the dragon rulers) and the dragons are at home in Midkemia. In the Chaos Wars, the Valheru rebelled against the new gods and were defeated. Led by Draken-Korin, they had previously bonded to the stone of life he had created - the Valheru hoped that it would provide a kind of energy that they would receive from all living beings on Midkemia, which would, however, die as a result. The stone of life did not work as intended, and the Valheru bound to the stone were banished to another dimension / level. Before that, the Valheru had made their own slaves - the Elves. Draken-Korin still created the tiger-men, Alma-Lodaka the contortion-men (the Panthatians) and Ashen-Shugar had his eagles. In the Chaos Wars, gaps arose in time and space and peoples migrated or fled to other worlds. After Midkemia came humans, dwarves, goblins and giants. The Elves fell out and their people split into the Eledhel, Moredhel, Glamredhel, Eldar and Ocedhel.


In terms of climatic conditions, flora and fauna, Midkemia is quite similar to Earth. Three continents are known: Novindus , Triagia and Winet . The continents are separated by two oceans. The Endless Sea is located west of Trieste and east of Novindus, where it is referred to as the Blue Sea . The Sea of ​​Tears , called the Green Sea in Novindus , is located in the east of Triagia, south of Winet and in the west of Novindus.


Triagia is the largest continent on Midkemia, which is predominantly inhabited and ruled by humans, with elves and dwarves still living in the north. There are two major seas, the Bitter Sea to the west and the Sea of ​​the Kingdom to the east . These two seas practically divide the land mass into two parts, apart from a small connection in the center of the continent. The teeth of the world mountain range runs in the far north , south of this mountain range to the seas there is a largely cold-temperate climate with several larger forests. In the south of Trieste there is a subtropical to tropical climate, the largest desert is the Jal-Pur . The two most important nations are the Kingdom of the Islands and the Empire of Kesh . In third place is the Kingdom of Roldem, which is located in the sea of ​​the kingdom and as a counterpart to Roldem there is the nation of Queg in the Bitter Sea . Furthermore, several small kingdoms are represented on Triagia which are known as the Eastern Kingdoms and are located in the northeast of Triagia. Opposite to the eastern kingdoms, northwestern Triagia has the Free Cities of Natal .


Novindus , the second largest land mass on the planet, is enclosed by the Endless Sea and the Sea of ​​Tears. The island chain Pa'jkamaka lies in front of the continent in the west . By Samanugebirge and the mountains to the sea in the west and the Ratn'gary Mountains in the east Novindus is geographically divided into three zones, the West country , the river country and the Ostlande . While the Eastern Lands is a desert region ( Hot Lands ) and the Western Lands are fairly remote, the River Lands in the center of the continent is the most densely populated region. On Novindus there are no major nations, but many smaller city-states, comparable to Greece in ancient times . In the Ratn'gary Mountains there is the home of the gods ( The Pavilion of the Gods ) and the entrance to the realm of the dead (the Necropolis or City of the Dead Gods ).


Winet is the smallest continent of Midkemia and very little is reported about in the books. Due to tectonic shifts, a plateau called Ethel-Duath formed on Winet , which rose around 200 meters above the level of the rest of the continent. The lower level is inhabited by people who had to flee from Triagia due to a religious war. The plateau has been populated by Saaur, nomadic and reptile-like 3 meter tall lizards since the end of the Snake War.

Empires / powers on Midkemia


The kingdom of the islands

Starting from Rillanon, an island in the "Sea of ​​the Kingdom" to the east, this kingdom has almost the entire northern part of the continent Triagia under control, up to the Endless Sea in the west, the teeth of the world in the north and the Bitter Sea / the border to Greater Kesh in the south. The empire has been ruled by the conDoin family since it was founded. The empire is divided into two halves: on the one hand the western empire, which the heir to the throne rules from Krondor, and the eastern empire, which is ruled by the king of the entire empire in Rillanon.
The kingdom is divided into duchies:
In the west: Crydee, Yabon, Krondor, at times Stardock, The southern brands
In the east: Rillanon, Salador, Bas-Tyra, Romney, Rodez, Ran, ...
In the kingdom the year ends on Midsummer's Day, the so-called Banapis. All birthdays are also celebrated on this day and new apprentices are appointed to the guilds and guilds. Banapis is the highest and apparently only public holiday in the kingdom.

The Kingdom of the Islands is a feudal state that, despite its immense size, is populated by a single nation. Although there are differences between the rather harsh life in the west and the court in eastern Rillanon, a clever fiefdom policy never led to independence from parts of the kingdom.

Great Kesh

In the central part of Triagia lies the mighty Empire of Great Kesh, which borders the Bitter Sea, the Kingdom of the Islands and the Sea of ​​the Kingdom in the north. The capital is Kesh am Overnsee. Kesh is a multi-ethnic state that is only held together by the power politics of the respective emperors. The nobility of Kesh live on the plateau above the city of Kesh, relatives can be recognized by the fact that they no longer wear clothing above the waist.

In Kesh, people celebrate their birthday on the very day they are actually born, which sets them apart from the rest of Midkemia.

The Keshian Confederation

The Keshian Confederation is even further south than Great Kesh and consists of individual nations that have come together to escape conquest by Great Kesh.

The free cities

On the north coast of the Bitter Sea are the free cities: Natal, Natalhaven, Walinor, Hush, Margrave's Hafen, Bordon and Lan. Originally these cities were part of a Keshian province (Keshian Bosania). During a war between the Great Kesh Empire and the Keshian Confederation, Kesh had to relocate its troops to the south and that province became independent. An attempt to conquer the Kingdom of the Islands failed.

The northern lands

To the north of the kingdom, beyond Bergenstein and Nordwacht, lie the icy northern lands, which are mainly inhabited by the Moredhel (dark elves). Various lands are also mentioned by name that are ruled by Moredhel leaders, such as Ardanien (cf. Gorath von Ardanien). These lands are loosely governed from Sar-Sargoth, but do not form a single nation. Occasional incursions into the kingdom by the moredhel occur again and again. However, people who have long lived in the war city of Armengar (once Sar-Isbandia) and who have to fight off the moredhel city of Sar-Sargoth on the other side of the plain have also withdrawn to the northern lands. Under the general Murmandamus, the Moredhel embark on a war with the Kingdom of the Isles, are defeated at Sethanon and return to the northern lands, greatly weakened.


Elvandar is the city of the Elves, who call themselves Eledhel (people of light), located in a magical forest. The forest is northwest of the kingdom, on the western coast, north of the River Crydee. Relationships with the people of the Kingdom are limited to emergency situations. This universally valid fact is broken only by a few rangers and scouts they know (such as Martin Longbow ). This means, for example, that they are already considered fairy tale characters in Krondor. Elvandar is ruled by the Elf Queen Aglaranna and her Prince Consort Tomas.


In the Bitter Sea lies the island of Queg, an independent nation that has become notorious in the surrounding nations primarily for its privateers. Due to the mildly warm climate that prevails there all year round, Queg can feed itself and is not dependent on imported goods. Besides good agriculture, Queg has only one good to ensure prosperity and to raise money for luxury goods (there are almost no natural resources on Queg) and this is the extremely high quality marble that is mined on Queg. Queg once belonged to Great Kesh and now regards itself as the true Empire. Today Queg is ruled by the Senate, where you can buy your way as a nobleman (a title that can be bought). Status on Queg depends heavily on the number of galleys a man owns. Queg's strongest differentiator, compared to the other realms of Midkemia, is a law that says that all non-Quegans who step on their soil and have no invitation from a powerful Quegan protector are the property of the first to claim them (oppose , one expects death or lifelong forced labor). The main places are Queg and Palanque.


An island in the Great Star Lake, which Duke Borric bequeathed to the magician Pug in order to found a school for magicians. The island of Stardock is then treated as a duchy and Pug thus a duke. After Pug broke away from Stardock and the islands, Stardock gained its independence in the further course (snake war saga).

Valley of dreams

The area is officially part of the Kingdom of the Islands , but has long been an area of ​​dispute between the Kingdom and Great Kesh . It has very fertile land and is climatically one of the more pleasant spots on Triagia , as it is quite warm there, but not as hot as in Kesh a little further south . From the beginning until the end of the saga, which is still open, there are diplomatic and armed conflicts over this area. Probably the greatest general in the warlike history of the valley is Guy du Bas Tyra from the Kingdom of the Isles .


The island of Roldem with the kingdom of the same name lies east of the kingdom's sea. Roldem is both the main cultural center and the largest sea power in Triagia. Most of the books mention the courtly state only in passing. The reader only learns more in "Silberfalke" and "König der Füchse".

The Eastern Realms

To the east of the Duchy of Ran are several small, independent princes and duchies as well as some pre-feudal peoples: Roskalon, Miskalon, Salmater, Duchy of Maladon and Simrik, Lorin, Duchy of Olasko, Principality of Aranor, Bardacs Feste, Hohe Warte, Latagore, Hohenwald, Duchy Farinda, Conar, land of the Orosini, land of the swamp people, land of the Orodon. The area is politically influenced by both the Kingdom of the Islands and the Kingdom of Roldem, and most of the duchies are characterized by a decidedly courtly life. These countries only play a role in Silberfalke and König der Füchse .


There is no great nation on the smaller continent of Novindus, only independent and rival city-states whose power is based on mercenary armies. An exception are the Jeshandi, who lead a nomadic existence in the vast northeastern steppe and have little contact with their human neighbors. As on Triagia , other races are represented on Novindus as well as humans. These include elves (the Ocedhel ), dwarfs (according to local myths there is a huge dwarf city under the mountains), Draken Korin's tiger people and a small race populate the tall grass on the edge of the river country . Not much is known about these, however, as they do not allow intruders of their territory to get away.

Races / Peoples of Midkemias


Also called Dragon Lords or "The Ancients", together with the dragons, form the original population of Midkemia. They looked similar to humans, but there is no relationship. The Valheru formed an anarchic structure in which survival depended only on the strength of the individual. When two Valheru met, a fight ensued almost automatically, except for the times when they banded together to plunder other worlds. Because they were almost godlike in their physical and mental abilities, they managed to conquer and plunder almost the entire universe. After they were seduced by the "nameless", the god of madness, to challenge the new gods (Chaos Wars), they were banished to a distant universe.

The Dragons

The dragons were one of the first living creatures in Midkemia and were ruled by the Valheru and used as mounts. The dragons, who survived the Chaos Wars, succeeded in developing their magic in the following time. However, since they isolated themselves from other peoples, they are mostly just legends. Some dragons can also take the form of humans. Dragons retreat to a cave approximately every 10 years and skin themselves. After that, they have a new color and become stronger. Only after many hundreds of years, when they have assumed the color gold, do they acquire intelligence and have magic. Since they are very easily attacked during this process, very few dragons reach the golden stage.


Came to Midkemiah after the Elves, but before the humans. They are smaller than humans and elves and only live slightly shorter than the elves. The dwarfs native to Bergenstein and the Gray Towers maintain relatively close contact with the Eledhel in Elvandar. In the east of Triagia and on Novindus there are other dwarf tribes about which little is reported.


Reach Midkemia after the Chaos Wars and become the leading race politically. Only they manage to build empires like Kesh and the islands. The technical development of the people is comparable to that of Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. Century without gunpowder.


There are a number of Elvish peoples who live in Midkemia. In contrast to other fantasy series, the elves here are not immortal, but only live many hundreds of years. They were created as an artificial people by the Valheru as servants.

Eledhel means people of light in the language of the Elves . Lives in Elvandar and avoids contact with most other peoples of Midkemia.

The eldar are a group of elves with much higher magical power. They are the former highest servants of the Valheru. They lived for a long time on the planet Kelewan in a forest under the northern polar cap before moving to Midkemia and the Elven city of Elvandar.

The more short-lived Glamredhel (people of the mountains, or crazy people), which are more of a warlike nature and long lived isolated from Elvandar in the Mirkwood, were considered extinct by the Eledhel and Moredhel. They were rediscovered shortly before the Battle of Sethanon. A few years later, the Glamredhel moved to Elvandar, where they try to integrate into the local Elvish community.

The Ocedhel (people of the sea) migrated from Triagia across the Endless Sea to Novindus, where they called themselves Jeshandi, long-lived. They lead a life there as well-fortified nomads, who have lost their cultural and magical heritage.

The Moredhel , also called Dark Elves or Brotherhood of the Dark Path, once lived in Elvandar, but separated from the Eledhel to pursue their dreams of power.

The Taredhel call themselves the people of the stars and are descended from the Eldar. On the flight from Midkemia, during the Chaos Wars, they were separated from the other eldar. As a result, they founded the clan of seven stars and developed their own high culture and lived on several planets, mainly in cities.

Other races / peoples

The Panthatians are a snake people created by the Valheru Alma-Lodaka, with an innate fanatical devotion to their creator. Her whole society is geared towards helping her goddess out of exile so that she can become demigods herself. They live in an abandoned underground city in the Novindus river lands. The Panthatians were probably completely destroyed during the Snake War.

The tiger men were created by the Valheru Draken-Korin. They now live in the Great Forest of the South on the Novindus continent. They avoid people, despise the Panthatians, and live in complete isolation.

The eagle people , composed of intelligent eagles, were created by Ashen-Shugar. After the Chaos Wars, they reverted to normal eagles.

The trolls came to Midkemia along with the people . A distinction is made between mountain and forest trolls. They are not particularly intelligent and are servants of the moredhel.

The giants become larger than any other intelligent race with the exception of the dragons. They live in mountains and also serve the moredhel.

The orcs are blue-skinned humanoids and often serve the moredhel. They are known for bloodthirsty rituals in which people are sacrificed.

The Saaur are a people related to the Panthatians and made up of 3 meter tall lizards who were driven from their original homeworld during the Snake War and fled to Midkemia.


Feist's times are not 100 percent accurate. There are small contradictions in the books. No dates are given in Feist's books. The number 1000 as the year of birth of Pug and Tomas is chosen arbitrarily. This chronology gives an impression of the chronology of the books. It should be noted that the Kingdom of the Islands year ends on Midsummer's Day (Banapis). The dates from 1089 onwards are imprecise, as there are only a few references to the chronological sequence in the books.

year event
996 Arutha is born.
1000 Pug and Tomas are born.
1014/19 The magician's apprentice
1014 Pug becomes an apprentice to Banapis at Kulgan.
1016 The Tsurani open a rift from Kelewan to Midkemia and begin the invasion of the Kingdom of the Isles and the territories of the Elves, Moredhel and Dwarfs. This is the beginning of the First Fissure War, Pug is captured and taken to Kelewan as a slave.
1019 The Tsuranni besieged the Arutha-commanded Crydee without success.
1020/25 The orphaned throne
1020 After 4 years as a slave, Pug's magical talent is recognized and he begins training to become sublime.
1021 The bridge
1023 The three warriors
1024 Pug finishes his training.
1025 Pug falls out with the Tsurani and returns to Midkemia. Together with Macros the Black, he closes the gap between Kelewan and Midkemia, which ends the first war of the split. King Rodric IV conDoin dies, making three important thrones vacant. The three sons of Borric conDoin, the then Duke of Crydee, as the legal successors, divide the kingdom of the islands anew: Lyam becomes king in Rillanon, Arutha becomes prince in Krondor and Borrics' illegitimate son, Martin, becomes Duke of Crydee. Pug received Stardock as a fief, where he later set up a training center for magicians. Jimmy's hand in Meersburg. (The thief of Krondor) .
1026 Jimmy's hand is raised to Junker Aruthas (henceforth James). An assassination attempt on Arutha's wife Anita leads to Arutha's journey to the Moraelin in the Moredhel area. Pug returns to Kelewan and begins his training with the Eldar. (The Guild of Death)
1027 In the northern lands the general Murmandamus forces the moredhel under his command and begins a campaign against Sethanon. Armengar is besieged and destroyed. Then Murmandamus' army overrun the High Castle and was defeated in the Battle of Sethanon. Arutha conDoin as a general and Pug as a magician play a major role in this. The Oracle of Ahl moves to Sethanon and begins as a dragon to guard the stone of life. (Dark on Sethanon)
1037 Tsurani sublime ones under Makala try, with the help of u. a. of the moredhel leader Delekhan and the night hawks to reach the stone of life. Pug, James, Locklear, Owyn, Patrus and the moredhel renegade Gorath of Ardania, together prevent this project. (The Mages' Conspiracy) / Betrayal at Krondor .
1038/39 In the labyrinth of shadows / The tears of the gods / Return to Krondor .
1048 Borric and Erland, the sons of Arutha, visit the empress in Kesh. Locklear dies, James marries Gamina. (Companions of the Blood)
1049 Pug leaves Stardock and moves to the "Island of the Wizard" in the Bitter Sea.
1057 Nicholas in Crydee. Crydee is attacked and destroyed by pirates, parts of the population are dragged off to Novindus. Nicholas and Admiral Amos Trask lead a rescue team to Novindus, thus the first contact between the Kingdom of the Isles and Novindus. (The king's privateer)
1065 Erik von Finstermoor and Rupert Avery were born
1076 King Lyam dies; Borric the son of Arutha becomes king; the army of the emerald queen conquers Hamsa
1081/1088 (The Snake War Saga)
1081 Arutha dies, Nicholas becomes Prince of Krondor, the Blood-Red Eagles travel to Novindus
1082 Patrick becomes Prince of Krondor, the Blood Red Eagles return, Rupert Avery founds Avery & Grindle
1083 Foundation of the Bitter Sea Society, the Blood Red Eagles destroy the Panthatians on Novindus
1087 The Emerald Queen's army reaches the Western Empire and conquers and destroys Krondor. Nicholas, James and Gamina die, in late autumn the Kingdom of the Isles defeats the army of the Emerald Queen in the Battle of Finstermoor. Calis unseals the stone of life and releases the life energy of the Valheru trapped in it. Nakor founds the "Temple of the Good Goddess" in Finstermoor, and Stardock becomes independent.
1088 The reconstruction of Krondor begins, the army of the Emerald Queen under General Fadawah (the "King of the Bitter Sea") is finally defeated in the Duchy of Yabon.
1117 Talon Silverhawk is born.
1131/1138 (The silver hawk)
1131 Destruction of the Orosini, Talon's training begins.
1138 Talon wins the championship tournament in Roldem.
1140/1146 (The King of the Foxes)
1146 Kaspar, Duke of Olasko, is ousted by Talon and banished to Novindus. Leso Varen flees to Kesh.
1146/1147 (Conclave of Shadows)
1146/1147 Kaspar discovers a Talnoy on Novindus and takes him to the Conclave of Shadows.
1146/1148 (The flight of the night hawks)
1148 The Conclave of Shadows overthrows the magician Leso Varen in Kesh, who had pretended to be Emperor of Kesh. Leso Varen flees to Kelewan.
1149 (Into the realm of darkness)
1149 Pug, Nakor, Magnus and Ralan Bek travel to the world of Dasati.
1150 (The mad god)
1150 Nakor, Ralan Bek and Leso Varen die while destroying the Dread Lord.
1150 Kelewan falls through the destruction of the Dread Lord. Only a small part of the population could be saved to a new planet.
1150 Erik von Finstermoor dies defending Kelewan.

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