Mighty Mouse in Gypsy Life

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Original title Mighty Mouse in Gypsy Life
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1945
length 6 minutes
Director Connie Rasinski
script John Foster
production Paul Terry
for TerryToon

Mighty Mouse in Gypsy Life is an American animated short film directed by Connie Rasinski from 1945.


A group of gypsy mice roam the country with their wagons. In the evening they stop, make music and dance. A giant bat discovers the group and notifies other bats that now attack the group together and want to eat them. While all the gypsy mice are able to save themselves, a beautiful woman in the group is caught by a bat.

The woman calls for help from Mighty Mouse, who appears and drives the bats to flight. The mouse-woman, carried in the air by a bat, is dropped when the bat is defeated by Mighty Mouse. Only at the last second can Mighty Mouse catch the mouse woman, who already saw herself in the mouth of a crocodile lurking on the ground . Mighty Mouse brings the gypsy woman back to her group and the mouse woman kisses him in thanks.


Mighty Mouse in Gypsy Life of cartoon series was published on August 3, 1945 as part of Mighty Mouse of 20th Century Fox in theaters. It was the only Mighty Mouse cartoon that was ever nominated for an Oscar .


Mighty Mouse in Gypsy Life was nominated for an Oscar in the category " Best Animated Short Film " in 1946, but could not prevail against Tom the Night Watchman .

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