Mikel Zalbide

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Mikel Zalbide 2007

Mikel Zalbide Elustondo (born May 9, 1951 in Donostia-San Sebastián ) is a Spanish linguist and sociolinguist . He studied engineering at the University of Navarre . From a young age he was concerned with the further development of the Basque language.

Terminology and lexicography

Zalbide made a huge contribution to the planning of the Basque corpus . In 1972, while still a student, he was one of the founders of Elhuyar Kultur Elkartea. In addition to founding the first technical and scientific journal in Basque, he also worked on the creation of didactic material and carried out studies on word formation. Since the founding of the UZEI (Unibertsitate Zerbitzuetarako Euskal Institutua) in 1978 he has been responsible for science and technology. At UZEI he worked on the dictionaries of physics, chemistry and mathematics, among other things. He was also engaged in vocabulary building and gave courses on the subject. He is also the author of the systematisation work carried out at UZEI on the writing and pronunciation of lexical borrowings.


From 1979 he took part in the initiative to found a Basque university. He was a member of the joint “Commission for the Planning of the Basque University” set up by the pre-autonomous General Council and the University of Bilbao (later University of the Basque Country ). A sub-committee of this commission was the sub-committee for the standardization of Basque, for which Mikel Zalbide was responsible.

From 1981 he worked in the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government as head of the Euskera Zerbitzua . He retired in 2014. He participated in government projects to improve the teaching and knowledge of the Basque language.

In the fields of pedagogy and education, he took part in working groups to implement various projects: the EIMA (Euskal Ikasmaterialgintza) program to ensure the quality of the language and the production of didactic material in Basque (textbooks for primary and secondary education, audiovisual material and software ), the NOLEGA program and the ULIBARRI project, which aims to promote the use of the Basque language in the school environment.

Royal Academy of the Basque Language - Euskaltzaindia

Zalbide was appointed a member of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language (Euskaltzaindia) in 1983. Previously, in 1976, he was a member of the Institute's Mathematics Subcommittee. In the academy he did important work in the fields of lexicology and lexicography. He was a member of the Lexicography Commission and the Jargon Department. At the academy he was also responsible for leading the commission for setting lexical criteria (LEF). The projects for the writing of lexical borrowings, the Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia (Basque General Dictionary) and the EEBS project (Egungo Euskararen Bilketa Sistematikoa) were developed from this field of work.

He has been a full member of the Euskaltzaindia Basque Language Academy since April 27, 2006. He gave his inaugural lecture on June 2, 2007. He is currently working on the Joanes Etxeberri project (Euskararen Historia Soziala - EHS Euskera Social History). This historical sociolinguistics project, launched in 2007, analyzes the social evolution of Basque and the languages ​​that have come into contact with Basque over time.



  • Maileguzko hitzak: idazkera eta ebakera , Donostia: UZEI, 1981
  • Hitz-elkarketa 1. LEF batzordearen lanak , Bilbo: Euskaltzaindia, 1987
  • Euskal Irakaskuntza: 10 urte . Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia, 1990
  • Hitz elkartuen osaera eta idazkera: LEF batzordearen emaitzak, Euskaltzaindiaren gomendio-arauak . Bilbo: Euskaltzaindia, 1992


  • Mende hasierako euskalgintza: urratsak eta hutsuneak in II. Euskal Mundu Biltzarra. Euskara-biltzarra, Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia, 1988
  • Euskal Eskola, Asmo Zahar Bide Berri in Euskal Eskola Publikoaren Lehen Kongresua, Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia, 1, 211-271, 1990
  • Eskola-giroko hizkuntza-erabileran eragiten duten faktoreen lehen azalpen-saioa in Eskola Hiztun Bila, 17–35. Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia, 1991
  • Educational situation of the Basque Autonomous Community in Spain , Estrasburgo: Europako Kontseilua, 1993
  • Zientzi hizkuntza irakaskuntzan: euskara teknikoaren izaeraz, iturburuaz eta egungo erabilmoduaz , Gasteiz: Eusko Ikaskuntza, 1993
  • Eskola-munduan achieve the euskara: egungo egoera eta zenbait hobekuntza-bide in Euskera, 1994
  • Hitz elkartuen osaera eta idazkera: gomendio-arauak prestatzeko erabili diren irizpideak in Euskaltzaindiaren XIII. Biltzarra, Euskera, 1994
  • Maileguzko heat zenbait muga-arazo in Euskaltzaindiaren XIII. Biltzarra , Euskera, 1994
  • Zientzi hizkuntza irakaskuntzan: euskara teknikoaren izaeraz, iturburuaz eta egungo erabilmoduaz in Euskal ikaskuntzak hezkuntza sarean, Eusko Ikaskuntza, 281–290 1995
  • Normalización lingüística y escolaridad: un informe desde la sala de máquinas in Eusko Ikaskuntzen Nazioarteko Aldizkaria 43, 2, 355-424, 1998
  • Irakas-sistemaren hizkuntz normalkuntza: nondik norakoaren ebaluazio-saio bat in Eleria 5, 45-61, 2000
  • Ahuldutako hizkuntza indarberritzea: teoriak zer dio? in Ikastolen IX. Jardunaldi Pedagogikoak, Donostia: EHIK, 2002
  • Ikasleek egiten al dute euskaraz? in Bat: Soziolinguistika aldizkaria 42, 43-52 2002
  • Hendaia-Hondarribietako biltzarra: azalpen labur bat in Hermes: pentsamendu eta historia aldizkaria, 4. zkia., 2002, 68-78
  • Hendai-Hondarribietako biltzarrak, XX. mendeko hizkuntz plangintzaren iturburu in Euskaltzaleen Biltzarraren mendeurrena, Bilbo: Sabino Arana Kultur Elkargoa, 2003
  • Hezkuntzaren kalitatea, elebitasunaren argitan in Ikastetxea, kalitatearen gune, 196–212, Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia, 2004
  • Hizkuntza-normalkuntzaren oinarrizko kontzeptuak, perspektiba socioedukatiboan in Ulibarri proiektuaren prestakuntza-jardunaldia, Gasteiz, 2004
  • Basque Acquisition planning, Nicholas Gardner eta Mikel Zalbide, in International Journal of the Sociology of Language 174, 55-72 or. 2005
  • A Basque perspective on the future of lesser used languages in CAER (Education Society of the European Regions), Cardiff, 2005
  • Lardizabalen gramatika, bere gizarte-giroan in Euskera 51. 1., 71-103 2006
  • Lardizabal eta bere gramatika, perspektiba sociolinguistikoan , Arantzazu Muñoa-rekin batera, in Francisco Ignacio Lardizabalen 1856ko Gramática Vascongada-ren 2006ko edizioa: Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, 2006
  • Hizkuntzen azterbideak, Iturriagaren argitan in Bat: Soziolinguistika aldizkaria 65, 111-125, 2007
  • Iparraldeko euskalgintza XIX. mendearen bigarren erdian: Zaldubi eta bere garaia in Euskera 52, 3., 877-1008 2007
  • Euskararen Legeak hogeita bost urte eskola alorreko bilakaera: balioespen-saioa in Euskera 52. 3., 1283–1517, 2007
  • "Language policy and social literacy" jakin-iturri eta bide-erakusle in Euskera, 52. 2., 789–811, 2007
  • Pedagogoa batzar nagusietan. Hizkuntzen azterbideak, Iturriagaren argitan: Euskaltzaindiko sarrera-hitzaldia in Euskera 52. 1., 61–157 2007
  • Interferentzia, hiztun garbien galera eta mintzaldaketa: Hiriart-Urrutiren garaiko zenbait korrelato in ASJU XLIII, 1003-1034, 2009
  • Hizkuntza-sociologiaren ibilia gurean in Bat: Soziolinguistika aldizkaria 77, 27–55, 2010
  • Diglosiaren purgatorioaz. Teoriatik tiraka in Bat: Soziolinguistika aldizkaria 79–80, 13–152, 2011
  • Hamar ondorio, gazi eta gozo in Bat: Soziolinguistika aldizkaria 79-80, 225-254, 2011

Individual evidence

  1. a b Zalbide, Mikel . www.euskaltzaindia.eus, accessed on June 27, 2019
  2. a b Mikel Zalbide: "Hizkuntza asked eskuratzea ez da eskola-kontu hutsa" . Argia (in Basque), accessed June 27, 2019
  3. erabili.eus/ Pedagogoa Batzar Nagusietan. Hizkuntzen azterbideak, Iturriagaren argitan . www.erabili.eus, accessed on June 27, 2019
  4. Euskararen Historia Soziala . www.euskaltzaindia.eus, accessed on June 27, 2019