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Microbaroms (English microbaroms ) are weak, low-frequency superimpositions of air pressure . They can occur both as individual pressure fluctuations or as coherent pressure waves over a longer period of time. They are part of the background noise that accompanies air pressure.

The cause of the microbaromata is both the weather and a coupling of high swell (during storms) with the atmosphere . As infrasound events , due to the low attenuation of the atmosphere in this frequency range, they have a large range of thousands of kilometers and can be registered with sensitive microbarometers . The main energy of the microbaromes is in the range from 0.1 to 0.5 Hz, with a maximum at 0.2 Hz. The pressure fluctuations are below one Pascal (other data: 0.1–1 microbar ).

At present, data on microbaromeric events cannot be applied in practice. There is no way to get this data, e.g. B. for a weather forecast. However, knowledge of this phenomenon is important in order to be able to correctly interpret infrasound events. With the help of infrasound recordings, compliance with the ban on atomic bomb tests within the framework of the treaty banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, in space and under water is monitored worldwide . Microbaromes sometimes generate signals that can be mistaken for the pressure waves from atom bomb explosions.

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