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Militainment one is composition of Mili Secretary and enter tainment . There are two definitions:

  • A form of entertainment that the military celebrates
  • A form of entertainment controlled by the military

The US military in particular , but also the Russian military , which is planning its own TV channel , produce military-friendly documentaries or computer games such as America's Army .

An example of the second definition is the attempt at media manipulation by the US military, for example with embedded journalists during the Iraq war .

On Belgian television it is customary to present large military maneuvers in the style of sports broadcasts. The live broadcasts often last the entire day of broadcast.

Special feature of computer games

The term militainment has become famous in recent years, particularly in connection with computer games . The US Army produces, distributes and controls, among other things, the game America's Army , but at the same time uses computer games developed by civilians to carry out combat simulations and to prepare soldiers for missions. Prominent examples of this are the modification Marine Doom , Full Spectrum Warrior and the Half Life modification DIVE of the British military .

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