Mindaugas Maksimaitis

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Mindaugas Maksimaitis (born June 13, 1933 in Kėdainiai ) is a Lithuanian legal historian, professor of legal history at the Mykolas Romeris University .

M. Maksimaitis' father was a soldier and his mother a teacher. The family lived in Panevėžys since 1935 .


In 1943 Mindaugas Maksimaitis graduated from primary school and continued studying at the 1st Panevėžys Boys' High School in grades one to four (1943-1947). In 1951 he graduated from the Panevėžys teacher training college and in 1956 the law degree from the Vilnius University Law Faculty (VU). From 1960 to 1963 Mindaugas Maksimaitis studied as a trainee in the Law Section of the Economic Institute at the Academy of Sciences of Lithuania and obtained his doctorate at VU as a candidate in law. He then studied at the Faculty of Continuing Education at the M. Lomonossow University in Moscow (one semester each in 1969, 1978 and 1984).

In 1984 Maksimaitis completed his habilitation at the Lomonossow University for a doctorate in law on the subject of legal-historical analysis of the Lithuanian state from 1919 to 1940 .


From December 1955 to 1960 Maksimaitis worked in the prosecutor's office Kėdainiai and Vilnius . Since 1963 he has been teaching as a high school teacher at the chair for legal theory and legal history at VU (since 1968 lecturer and since 1986 as professor for foreign legal history). From 1992 to 2000 he headed the legal department of the Lithuanian Institute of Philosophy and Sociology and worked as a senior research fellow.

Since 1997 Mindaugas Maksimaitis has also taught as a professor at the Chair of Constitutional Law at Lietuvos teisės universitetas . From February 2000 to 2002 Mindaugas Maksimaitis headed the chair for legal history. His research areas include Lithuanian legal history and the history of legal ideas. In addition, he published numerous articles for Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija and took part in several international and national conferences with his lectures.

Mindaugas Maksimaitis is married.


  • Lietuvos teisės šaltiniai 1918-1940 metais. Vilnius: Justitia, 2001, 200 p.
  • Lietuvos valstybės konstitucijų istorija (XX a. Pirmoji pusė). Vilnius: Justitia, 2005, 392 p.
  • Valstybės taryba Lietuvos teisinėje sistemoje (1928-1940). Vilnius: Justitia, 2006, 181 p.
  • Mykolas Römeris - Lietuvos sūnus. Vilnius: MRU, 2006, 317 p.
  • Užsienio teisės istorija. Vilnius: Justitia, 2002, 443 p.
  • Lietuvos teisės istorija. Vilnius: Justitia, 2002, 538 p. (Co-author)
  • Lietuvos konstitucinė teisė. Vilnius: LTU, 2001, 779 p. (Co-author)

Many works by Professor Mykolas Römeris have been published since Perestroika :

  • "Lietuvos sovietizacija 1940-1941: Istorinė sovietizacijos apžvalga ir konstitucinis jos įvertinimas", 1989
  • "Lietuvos konstitucinės teisės paskaitos" (antroji dalis), 1990
  • M. Römeris. “Unitarinė valstybė ir valstybiniai junginiai”, monograph

