Minol oriole

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The Minol oriole was the mascot of the VEB Kombinat Minol in the German Democratic Republic and was one of the most popular advertising figures on GDR television . The doll designer Heiner Knappe developed the figure in the early 1960s in the DFF's doll studio for advertising television in the GDR. In its original form, the Minol oriole was a mixture of an oil can and a bird figure. The Minol oriole was created because of the visual similarity of the beak and spout and the consonance of the bird's name with the brand name of the MINOL company.

Minol oriole as a film character

The animation director Peter Blümel created an animated version of the advertising character. In 30 episodes of 45 seconds each, Blümel had the Minol oriole act as a guide, giving GDR drivers tips on saving fuel and maintaining the value of their vehicles. These Minol commercials ran on the program Tausend Tele-Tips . The best-known advertising slogans that the Minol oriole uttered included "The Minol oriole gave you the tele-tip that is supposed to help." And "Always ready for your well-being, the Minol oriole is always."

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