Momolu Dukuly

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Momolu Dukuly (front) as Liberia's delegate at the Bandung Conference in 1956

Momolu Dukuly (* 1903 in Billama near Monrovia ; † 1980 ) was a Liberian politician.


Dukuly came from the Mandinka people . He initially belonged to the Muslim community and later converted to Christianity. He received his education at the College of West Africa in Monrovia. From 1928 he worked as a lawyer in Montserrado County . From 1948 to 1951 he was Undersecretary of State, 1949 Envoy to Haiti in 1949 , Undersecretary of State in 1951 and Ambassador to Costa Rica in 1952 . After the death of Gabriel Lafayette Dennis , President William S. Tubman appointed him Secretary of State in 1954. He stayed in office until 1960. In this capacity he represented Liberia at the Bandung Conference from April 18 to 24, 1955.


Individual evidence

  3. Momolu Dukruly, Liberia. In: Asian-African Conference Bulletin. Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, April 22, 1955, accessed May 10, 2017 .