Montauk monsters

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The so-called Montauk Monster was an unidentified creature that was said to have washed up dead on a beach near Montauk , New York State .

The incident became known internationally through an article in the New York newspaper The Independent . Accordingly, strollers discovered the unknown creature on July 12, 2008 on Ditch Palm Beach in the Montauk District. The carcass itself could not be found afterwards, only a photo exists.

Attempts to explain

To this day it is unclear what the mysterious find is. So far it has remained with assumptions, for example that it is a hitherto undiscovered animal species .

William Wise, director of the Living Marine Stony Brook University Resources Institute , interpreted the animal carcass after a closer examination of the photo as a possible latex fake. Alternatively, in his opinion, it could be a sick dog or coyote that had lain in the sea for a long time. However, he can rule out the following explanations:

  • A raccoon has longer legs in relation to its body.
  • Sea turtles could be excluded because this species has no teeth.
  • Rodents are out of the question due to the lack of long front teeth .
  • A sheep is excluded because of its sharp teeth.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Montauk 'monster'
  2. Joye Brown: The Montauk Monster: Legend or latex? In: July 31, 2008, p. 2 , archived from the original on August 13, 2008 ; accessed on November 26, 2011 (English): "Wise's best, educated guess:" A talented someone who got very creative with latex. ""