Montréal, arts interculturels

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Montréal, arts interculturels
legal form Non-profit organization
founding 1999

Montréal, arts interculturels ( MAI ) is a multidisciplinary cultural organization in Montreal , ( Quebec , Canada ) founded in 1999.


The MAI is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support and promote intercultural artistic practices in order to facilitate dialogue between cultures in Montreal. The MAI subsidizes and presents projects in the fields of dance, theater, visual and media arts, spoken word arts, etc. It accompanies emerging or established artists and supports artists with different cultural backgrounds in particular. The organization has a theater, a gallery, a café and two rehearsal rooms.


In 1990 the "Regroupement pour le développement des pratiques artistiques interculturelles" was founded. In 1989 the group decided to work on creating a new cultural space in Montreal. In 1999 the MAI was established in Milton Parc, Jeanne-Mance Street. The organization then had a café, a gallery and two rehearsal rooms. In 2005, the MAI opened its accompanying artist program, which in 2018 was renamed “Complices”. Initially, the program was primarily aimed at Aboriginal and culturally diverse artists, but the program has gradually expanded to include artists with disabilities, linguistic minorities, or LGBT communities.


The main mission of the MAI is to promote dialogue through the presentation of intercultural artistic approaches that address issues of identity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc. Thus the organization has two main tasks. The first is to guide artists in their development and / or promotion in order to promote hybrid productions and transversal, multidisciplinary and intercultural approaches. The second mission aims to address a diverse audience and propose a program and integrative workshops for both connoisseurs and newbies. The MAI proposes accompanying programs and an annual program. Given the lack of cultural diversity in contemporary arts in Quebec, the MAI has also promoted the contemporary arts of black communities.


Every year the MAI proposes an official program with around twenty artists. The program includes exhibitions (an average of four per year), dance, theater, performance, music or other performances at the MAI Theater, and shows presented outside the walls in partnership with other cultural spaces in Montreal.

Individual evidence

  1. Le MAY, mentor des artistes et organismes issus des communautés culturelles montréalaises. In: La médiation culturelle à la Ville de Montréal. December 15, 2009, accessed March 11, 2020 (French).
  2. MAY Montréal, arts interculturels. Retrieved March 11, 2020 (Canadian English).
  3. MAY (Montréal, arts interculturels). Retrieved March 11, 2020 (French).
  4. Montréal arts interculturels: la diversité, c'est par ici! December 7, 2016, accessed March 11, 2020 (French).

Web links