Moselweißer Schanze

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The Moselweißer Schanze , also called Fort Blücher or Fort Montalembert , belonged to the Prussian fortress of Koblenz . It was built between 1823 and 1827 in the west of the city ​​fortifications of Koblenz as a powder magazine and in 1831 it was provided with an earth wall and ditch up to 12 meters high. Wischemann added the ski jump together with the city fortifications to the Feste Kaiser Alexander system, but this was not seen as such when it was built. For the Prussian military, the city fortifications were an independent part, for which the Moselweißer Schanze served as an advanced work.

The complex had a Montalembert tower as a throat reduit . The construction management was Ferdinand Koehler . The tower initially served as a powder magazine and was set up in 1850 for troop occupation. From 1880–1881, the factory was renovated. For example, the redoubt was partially encased, the trench was widened and hollow traverses were installed. In 1884, the redoubt was converted into a powder magazine, the last construction work before the facility was leveled in 1897–1898.

At the same time, the telegraph barracks , the later Boelcke barracks , were built on the site . Today there is a residential area here in the Rauental district and the city ​​of Koblenz's adult education center , the last existing barracks buildings are still in use today. There are no visible remains of the fortress.


  • Klaus T. Weber (dissertation): The Prussian fortifications of Koblenz (1815–1834) . (Series: Art and Cultural Studies Research) 2003, ISBN 3-89739-340-9 , p. 224 ff.
  • Rüdiger Wischemann: The Koblenz Fortress. From the Roman fort and Prussia's strongest fortress to the largest garrison of the Bundeswehr , Koblenz 1978, p. 96 f. (Note: outdated in many respects, but still the best representation for an overview)

Individual evidence

  1. Middle Rhine Museum / Koblenz, Ro 132 u. 133: History of fortifications in Koblenz and Ehrenbreitstein up to 1905 (copy of various construction reports).