Motor Militia

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Motor Militia
General information
Genre (s) Thrash metal
founding 2001 as Black Star
Current occupation
Abdulrazzaq "Atto" Awadh
Ahmed Abu Alkhair
Electric guitar
Hisham Ali
Abdulla Muijrers
Vocals , electric bass
Mahmood Abdul Ghaffar
former members
Electric guitar
Yousif Mufeez
Electric guitar
Amer BuHussain
Electric guitar
Khalifa Kamal
Electric guitar
Yousef Hatlani
Electric guitar
Mohamed Bukannan
Live members
Electric guitar
Salem Sulaibikh

Motör Militia is a Bahraini thrash metal band from Sar , which was founded in 2001 under the name Black Star.


Drummer Abdulla Muijrers started playing the drums in the summer of 1997. A year later he formed various bands in the Netherlands . In the middle of the year he met bassist and singer Mahmood Abdul-Ghaffar. Together with him and another guitarist they studied some songs under the name Black Star. They mainly played cover versions of Black Sabbath and Motörhead .

After a few changes in the line-up, Muijrers came into contact with guitarist Yousef Hatlani, so that he joined the band in January 2003. Some local appearances followed. A short time later, Salem Sulaibikh joined the band as the second guitarist for live performances. In the following months, the band held other regional appearances. In 2004 guitarist Sulaibikh left the band to start his own band.

The band then began writing their own material, which led to their debut album, The Sound of Violence , which was released in 2004 through Sandstorms Records . The second album followed in 2011 and was called Cloaked in Darkness .


The band plays aggressive Thrash Metal, based on the style from the San Francisco Bay Area .


  • The Sound of Violence (album, 2004, Sandstorms Records )
  • Cloaked in Darkness (album, 2011, self-published)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. MOTOR MILITIA BAND PAGE , accessed February 24, 2012.
  2. MOTOR MILITIA THE SOUND OF VIOLENCE • 2004 ( Memento of the original from December 16, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed February 24, 2012. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. a b Motor Militia - "Cloaked In Darkness" (CD) , accessed on February 24, 2012.